
来源 :风能 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlxqzs
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本人在《风能》第9期发表的文章中引用了中国电力期刊2010年1月刊登的《风电场发电量计算的物理模型》文章中关于windsim软件的表述:Windsim尽管适应复杂地形,但是对物理现象的描述存在缺陷,如尾流及风廓线形状的确定等,使读者对windsim软件的使用产生了误解,此描述未经证实,恐有失偏颇,特此声明。 In my article “Wind Energy” No. 9, I quote the Windsim software article published in the China Electric Power Journal in January 2010, “Windsim Physical Model for Wind Power Generation Calculation”: Although Windsim adapts to complex terrain, The description of the phenomenon is flawed, such as the wake and the determination of the shape of the wind profile, so that readers have misunderstood the use of windsim software, this description is unverified, fear of bias, hereby declare.
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5 下列判断中,正确的是( )。  A -a一定是負数
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AIM:To determine the clinicopathological characteristics of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID)-induced acute hepato-nephrotoxicity among Chinese patient
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对门的郝大爷养花的造诣很深,阳台上一年四季绿意葱葱,花开不断,到了春天更是花团锦簇。站在他家的阳台上,微风吹拂,花香四溢,直觉得心旷神怡。  受其感染,我也爱上养花,并由简单植物开始。每天清晨,我在阳台上打理花草,郝大爷在那头微笑着,隔空交谈,悉心指导。哪盆该浇水了,哪个该换盆了,怎样施肥和每种花草不同的习性,郝大爷都会娓娓道来。每当看到阳台上一派生机,成就感就会油然而生,也引得妻子和女儿时常到阳