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每年的高考之后,总会有许多考生感到遗憾,如本来自己能够拿到的分,却因为平时不能从严要求自己,做题不够规范,从而在考场上丢掉了不该丢失的分。还有一些考生,不会审题或审题不细,犯了想当然的错误。为使众多考生引以为戒,笔者结合历年高考化学试题中考生易失分的地方作一小结,供读者参考。一、顺序排列问题高考化学试题中,不管是选择题,还是填空题,总会遇到一些顺序排列问题,如微粒半径大小排列、物质氧化性或还原性强弱排列、金属活泼性强弱排列等。解答该类试题,我们一定要分清是“由大到 After the college entrance examination every year, there are always many candidates who feel sorry for what they could get. However, because they usually can not be strict, they are not standardized enough to lose some points that should not be lost in the examination room. There are still some candidates, not examining or examining the subject is not fine, made the mistake of taking for granted. In order to make a large number of candidates take a warning, the author combined with chemical examination questions over the years the college entrance examination of students vulnerable areas for a summary for the reader's reference. First, the order of the questions Entrance exam questions, whether it is multiple-choice questions, or fill in the blank, there will always be some order of arrangement problems, such as the size of the particles arranged in size, the material oxidative or reductive strength of the arrangement of metal lively strength Wait. Answer such questions, we must distinguish is ”from big to big
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(一)在家里,我们受到父母的呵护、亲戚的关心;在学校,我们得到老师、同学的厚爱与鼓励;在社会,我们也会得到人们的真诚帮 (a) At home, we are cared for by our parents an
在故事开始之前,先请小朋友们回答一个问题?动物能听懂音乐吗? Before the story begins, ask the children to answer a question. Can animals understand the music?
我的孩子5岁了,认识不少汉字。可我发现他自己看书时,只看书上的图画。我让他读书上的字,他明明是认识 My child is 5 years old and knows a lot of Chinese characters.
那是一个星期天的下午。冬日的天空下着绵绵细雨,让人感觉异常寒冷。但这丝毫不影响我和妈妈去逛新开张的万象城大型购物广场的心情。  “哇,里面人可真多!”到处都是人,人挤人,人撞人。我紧跟妈妈,生怕被庞大的人流冲散。随着人流,我们不知不觉就来到了四楼的“左手右手”精品店。里面有好多DIY手环。有白色链条吊着猫眼石的,有银色链条缀着小铃铛的,还有皮质链条嵌着水钻的……每一款都是那样让人爱不释手,让我兴奋
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叶圣陶先生曾告诫我们:语文教师不是给学生讲书的,而是引导学生读书的。读,它本身既是一种能力,也是一种方法——种学习语文(或者说训练语文能力)的根本方法。眼下绝 Mr. Ye