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秘鲁首都利马是南美洲历史文化名城之一。观光利马,如读一部史书。一座座殖民时代的古建筑,古朴典雅,风采照人,既记载着秘鲁民族的兴衰荣辱,又蕴蓄着“太阳的子孙”对未来的憧憬。四个半世纪的历史长河,留在古印加帝国土地上的是一座高楼林立、有着近700万人口的大都市。旧城新区无不凝聚着一个古老民族的智慧和业绩,它像一颗镶嵌在太平洋岸边的璀璨明珠,闪射出耀眼的光芒。一外来“主人”选都址被当年殖民者选作首都之地,早在2000年前曾是一个小有规模的村落。村子的中央有一个三角形的空旷地,世世代代在这一带居住的印第安人尚不 Lima, the capital of Peru, is one of South American historical and cultural cities. Lima sightseeing, such as reading a history book. A colonial era of ancient buildings, simple and elegant, style according to people, not only recorded the rise and fall of Peruvian national honor, but also contains the “sun’s” vision of the future. Four and a half centuries of history, to stay in the ancient Indo-Canadian empire is a high-rise, with nearly 7000000 population of the metropolis. The old city new district all unite the wisdom and performance of an ancient nation, it is like a shining pearl embedded in the shores of the Pacific Ocean, shining bright light. A foreign “host” electoral site was chosen by the colonists for the capital as a small village as early as 2000. The middle of the village has a triangular open area where Indians living in this area for generations have not yet
介绍了枫树坝水电厂原有水情自动测报系统的状况及存在问题、对原有水情自动测报系统的改造、新系统的功能特点和运行情况。 This paper introduces the status and existin
The ding is an ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles standing on three or four legs. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the ding was used as a sacrifi
The making of figurines can be dated back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period (475 B.C.-221), when, instead of burying slaves with th
1 必要性1.1 防汛工作的迫切需要。我国是一个洪涝灾害频繁的国家,防洪形势十分严峻。经过50多年的建设,修建了大量的防洪工程,防汛抢险任务越来越繁重,黄河防汛部门完全有