
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cbl1212
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中国花卉协会第二届理事会第一次会议,于1993年12月25日至27日在北京举行。来自各省、自治区、直辖市、省会城市、经济特区、计划单列市花协及各专业花协的理事100多人出席了会议。会议听取并审议了何康会长的工作报告,王甘杭秘书长关于修改协会章程的说明,选举了第二届理事会常务理事,何康再次当选为中国花卉协会会长。大会一致通过陈慕华为名誉会长。何康所作的《为我国花卉事业再上一个新台阶而奋斗》的报告分为三个部分:一、十年年来我国花卉业取得突破性进展;二、十年来协会的主要工作和体会;三、今后的奋斗目标和主要措施。何康说,中国花卉协会成立10年来,在各级政府、有关部门、社会各界的重视和支持下,在慕华同志的关怀和指导下,做了大量工作,对促进我国花卉业的发展起了重要作用。这十年,是我国花卉业恢复和振兴的十年,是从自发分散状态开始形成一个新兴产业的十年,是为实现花卉业现代化奠定基础的十年。这十年我国花卉生产面积和产值持续增长,据统计,1992年达到68万亩,20亿元,比1984年分别增长了218%和233%;花卉的生产和管理水平显著提高,产品结构由单一向多样化发展,花卉生产由小而全向专业化、规模化迈进,花 The first meeting of the second council of China Flower Association was held in Beijing from December 25 to 27, 1993. More than 100 directors from various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, provincial capital cities, special economic zones, cities under separate government planning and various professional flower associations attended the meeting. The meeting listened to and reviewed the working report of President He Kang, Secretary-General Wang Gan-hang’s instructions on amending the articles of association, elected the standing director of the second council, and He Kang was re-elected as the president of China Flowers Association. The congress unanimously approved Chen Muhua as honorary president. He Kang’s “For China’s flower industry to a new level and struggle,” the report is divided into three parts: First, ten years of breakthrough made in China’s flower industry; two decades, the Association’s main work and experience; three , The goal of the future and the main measures. He Kang said that under the care and guidance of Comrade Mu Hua under the care and support of all levels of government, relevant departments and all circles of society, China Flower Association has done a great deal of work in promoting the development of China’s flower industry since its establishment 10 years ago An important role. These ten years are the ten years of the restoration and rejuvenation of the flower industry in our country, the ten years of forming a new industry from the state of spontaneous dispersion, and the ten years of laying the foundation for the modernization of the flower industry. In the past ten years, the area and output value of China’s flower production continued to grow. According to statistics, it reached 68 million mu and 2 billion yuan in 1992, an increase of 218% and 233% respectively over that of 1984. The production and management of flowers have been significantly improved. Single to diversified development, flower production from small to all specialized, large-scale forward, flowers
[摘 要] 文章就网络时代下无锡惠山泥人的人才培养现状进行分析,论述了惠山泥人人才培养发展过程中的种种困惑,指出“拯救、保护、发展”是惠山泥人人才培养的必然之路,提出了惠山泥人的人才培养应从大师工作室、媒体宣传、资金扶持等几个方面进行实施。  [关键词] 惠山泥人 泥人厂 现状 人才培养  [Abstract] the network era Wuxi Huishan clay
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