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在春天到来的时候,又一项荣誉被武钢采撷,又一束光环定格武钢总经理刘本仁。4月8日,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会,首次表彰了33名在企业改革与发展中做出杰出贡献的企业家,武钢总经理刘本仁荣获“创业大奖”。这是我国企业界按照江泽民总书记“三个代表”的要求,弘扬优秀企业家的创业精神,造就适应经济全球化的优秀经营者管理队伍的一大盛事。武钢是我国“一五”时期建设的一个老 In the spring of arrival, another honor was taken by WISCO, another bunch of aura of WISCO general manager Liu Benren. On April 8, China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneurs Association honored 33 entrepreneurs who have made outstanding contributions in the reform and development of enterprises. Liu Benren, general manager of WISCO, won the Prize for Entrepreneurship. This is a major event for our business community to carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit of excellent entrepreneurs and create a management team that is accustomed to being an outstanding operator of economic globalization in accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Jiang Zemin's “three represents.” WISCO is an old building in China during the period of “One Five-Year Plan”
摘要:《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》和《中华人民共和国企业所得税法实施条例》已于今年1月1日正式施行,本文通过分析新《企业所得税法》的税前扣除政策,论述了新法在税前扣除制度上的主要变化。新《企业所得税法》统一了内、外资企业的税前扣除标准,对我国的企业和所得税制度都将产生深远的影响。  关键词: 企业所得税 企业所得税法 税前扣除    根据所得税法的基本原理,企业所得税是对企业一定时期内的纯所得所
本文应用正交试验法,对含乳化油冷轧废水进行了多种破孔剂破孔试验研究,结果表明碱式氯化铝([Al_2(OH)_nCl_(6-c)]_m)破乳效果显著,并获得了最佳破乳条件。 In this paper,
本文叙述了近终形连铸的概念、主要优点及其涉及的范围,然后概述了近终形连铸对紧凑型钢材生产线发展的促进作用。 This article describes the concept of near net shape
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
By using the method of literature studies, the author analyzes the causes for the love tragedy in Romeo and Juliet finding that the direct causes lie in the psy