,Proteomic characteristics of the liver and skeletal muscle in the Chinese tree shrew(Tupaia belange

来源 :蛋白质与细胞 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mlove251
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Valid animal models are useful for studying the pathophysiology of specific disorders,such as neural disease,diabetes and cancer.Previous molecular phylogeny studies indicate that the tree shrew is in the same order as (or a close sister to) primates,and thus may be an ideal model in which to study human disease.In this study,the proteome of liver and muscle tissue in tree the shrew was identified by combining peptide fractionation and LC-MS/MS identification.In total,2146 proteins were detected,including 1759 proteins in liver samples and 885 proteins in skeletal muscle samples from the tree shrew.Further sub-source analysis revealed that nearly half of the identified proteins (846 proteins and 418 proteins) were derived from human database.In this study,we are the first to describe the characteristics of the proteome from the liver and skeletal muscle of the tree shrew.Phylogenetic tree analysis based on these proteomic data showed that the tree shrew is closer to primates (human) than to glires (the mouse and rat).
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 1月9~12日 学会秘书长封金芳出席北京大学成人教育学院在江苏省宜兴市召开的函授工作会议。会议主要议题:①布置函授站评估事宜;②布置1996年函授毕业生毕业工作;③商讨1996年招收函授生工
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