Prognostic biomarkers for prediction of recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma:Current status and fu

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong558
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Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide,with region specific etiologies.Despite improvements made in the diagnosis of HCC,the prognosis of HCC patients remains poor due to the high recurrence rate of HCC.There is an urgent need for development of prognostic biomarkers to predict the risk of recurrence in HCC patients after“curative”treatment.Such stratification may aid in patient management and development of personalized medicine for HCC treatment.Omics based studies facilitate the study of global changes in biomolecules in a disease in a high throughput manner,and hence are well poised to understand the complex changes which led to HCC recurrence.The quantitative nature of data obtained from omics based studies allow for development of prognostic biomarkers based on changes in gene,protein and metabolite expression.In this review,we surveyed the ap-plication of transcriptomics,proteomics and metabolomics in the study of HCC recurrence.We summarised the data in the literature from these three fields of studies that claimed to be prognostic for HCC recurrence.We critiqued on the limitations of each area of research and the challenges faced in translating the research results for clinical application in predicting HCC recurrence. One of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide, with region specific etiologies.Despite improvements in the diagnosis of HCC, the prognosis of HCC patients remains poor due to the high recurrence rate of HCC.There is an urgent need for development of prognostic biomarkers to predict the risk of recurrence in HCC patients after “curative ” treatment. Still stratification may aid in patient management and development of personalized medicine for HCC treatment. Omics based studies facilitate the study of global changes in biomolecules in a disease in a high throughput manner, and hence are well poised to understand the complex changes which led to HCC recurrence. The quantitative nature of data obtained from omics based studies allow for development of prognostic biomarkers based on changes in gene, protein and metabolite expression.In this review, we surveyed the ap-plication of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics in the study of HCC recurrence.We summarised the data in the literature from these three fields of studies that claimed to be prognostic for HCC recurrence. We critiqued on the limitations of each area of ​​research and the challenges faced in translating the research results for clinical application in predicting HCC recurrence.
不畏艰辛苦钻研 叫化鸡技法敢称绝  彭德福1984年出生于红色革命老区沂蒙山区,因为家境的贫寒,家里兄妹多,学习成绩优异的他仅读完了初中学业就被迫缀学。在外打工漂泊的几年,让他深深体会到了打工的艰辛,生活的不易。2007年初,在亲戚朋友的帮忙撮合下,他组建了自己的小家庭。婚后的彭德福,自己肩上的担子更重了。打工不是长久之计,唯有掌握一技之长自己创业,才能扭转这样的命运。这时他想到了江苏常熟亲戚