Complete Nucleotide Sequence of a Mumps Virus SP Strain Isolated in China

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangguaiguai
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The complete nucleotide sequence of the mumps virus SP, which was isolated in China, was determined. As with other mumps viruses, its genome was 15 384 nucleotides (nts) in length and encoded seven proteins. The full-length nucleotide sequence of the SP isolate differed from other strains by 4% –6.8% at the nucleotide sequence level. Due to variations of amino acids over the full genome (including the HN and N genes), this isolate exhibited significant variations in the antigenic sites. This report is the first to describe the full-length genome of a genotype F strain and provide an overview of the diversity of genetic characteristics of a circulating mumps virus. The complete nucleotide sequence of the mumps virus SP, which was isolated in China, was determined. As with other mumps viruses, its genome was 15 384 nucleotides (nts) in length and encoded seven proteins. The full-length nucleotide sequence of the SP Isolate differed from other strains by 4% -6.8% at the nucleotide sequence level. Due to variations of amino acids over the full genome (including the HN and N genes), this isolate There are quite variations in the antigenic sites. This report is the first to describe the full-length genome of a genotype F strain and provide an overview of the diversity of genetic characteristics of a circulating mumps virus.
用大叶桉煎剂治疗急性扁桃体炎62例,治愈率93.5%。平均1.6天体温恢复正常,3。3天症状消失,3。6天治愈。疗效似较金银花注射液组及青、链霉素组稍优,且简便马行。 Eucalyptus
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