十年爱心接力 贫寒学子圆梦

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“叔叔们好!我放假回来啦……”7月20日下午,冯德聪满心喜悦,习惯性地踏进他在广西百色边防支队念井边防派出所的“家”。冯德聪是那坡县平孟镇念井村人,很小的时候,就因母亡父病、家境贫寒而被迫辍学。一次偶然的机会,念井边防派出所官兵了解到他的情况,决定帮助这个可怜的孩子。10年里,官兵流水般地走,但帮扶、资助冯德聪的则是一个“铁打的营盘”。2013年,冯德聪被右江民族医学院录取。“快过来,准备开饭!”正在下厨的所长蔡大硬招呼他。聊天、做饭、洗菜……几个大男人在小屋子里笑声洋溢。母亡父病十岁学童辍学持家时间回到2005年。5月的一天,时任念井边防派出 “On the afternoon of July 20, Feng Decong was full of joy and habitually stepped into the ” Home “where he was at the frontier police station of the Bose border defense detachment in Guangxi. Feng Decong is Napo Pingmeng Township Nianjing village people, a very young age, because of his father and father, poor family was forced to drop out of school. An accidental opportunity, Nianjing Border Guard police officers understand his situation, decided to help the poor child. In 10 years, the officers and men walked in a stream of water, but helping to support Feng Te-tsung was a ”iron bargain camp.“ In 2013, Feng Decong was admitted to the Youjiang Medical College. ”Come quickly, ready to start the meal! " Cai Cai, director of cooking is hard to say hello. Chat, cook, wash vegetables ... ... a few big men in a small room with laughter. Mother dead father and 10-year-old school drop-out time back to home in 2005. One day in May, he was sent by the border guard
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