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香港,一个弹丸之地.然而,在新的国际气候下,它象一匹脱僵的野马,奔驰在众多的发展中国家和地区的前列,成为举世瞩目的新兴工业化地区之一,赢得各国关心发展问题的专家、政治家、企业家的青睐,特别是在中国收回其主权之后,香港经济发展的底蕴何在,其经济转型的趋势如何等众多问题,更是倍受关注.一、香港经济转型的沿革经过一个多世纪的发展,香港已从一个小渔村变为国际大都市,其经济结构也由简单到复杂、由僵化到优化,发生了几次重大的转型变化.(一)从转口贸易到工业化.第二次世界大战结束后,香港恢复自由港地位,同时解放后的中国大陆急待加强对外经济联系,香港人抓住这个机会,扮演了中外经济联系中介入角色,使香港对内地的贸易额激增,1951年贸易总额为93.03亿港元,超过战前1940年13.75亿港元好几倍.这一时期,经济结构以转口贸易为主,工业稍有起色,金融业亦限于商业银行的零星业务.不久,朝鲜战争和对华禁运使香港的转口贸易一落千丈,香港经济猝然陷入低谷,工厂接踵倒闭,金融、保险、航运均告不景,失业人数骤升.此时,香港人又抓住当时西方工业国产业升级换代的契机,充分利用国际市场的原材料,大力发展 Hong Kong, however, has a proverbial position in the new international climate. It is like a horse that has become stiff and stiff. Mercedes-Benz is at the forefront of numerous developing countries and regions and has become one of the newly industrialized regions attracting worldwide attention. It has won the attention of all countries It is especially the question of what the background of Hong Kong’s economic development and the trend of its economic transformation have attracted the attention of the experts, politicians and entrepreneurs of development issues, especially after China has resumed its sovereignty. First, the economic restructuring of Hong Kong Evolution After more than a century of development, Hong Kong has evolved from a small fishing village to an international metropolis, and its economic structure has changed from simple to complex to rigid and optimized, with several major transformational changes. (1) From the re-export trade To industrialization. After the Second World War, Hong Kong resumed its status as a free port. At the same time, the liberated mainland China urgently needs to step up its economic ties with foreign countries. The people of Hong Kong seized this opportunity and played a part in the economic ties between China and the rest of the world. The trade volume surged sharply, with the total trade volume of 9,303 million Hong Kong dollars in 1951, more than several times the amount of 1,375 million Hong Kong dollars of the war before 1940. During this period, the economic structure was dominated by entrepot trade The financial sector was also limited to the sporadic business of commercial banks. Soon after the Korean war and the embargo against China plummeted the entrenched trade in Hong Kong, the economy of Hong Kong plunged into a downturn, the factories went bankrupt, the financial, insurance and shipping markets both suffered a downturn, The number of unemployed people soared, and at this juncture Hong Kong people seized the opportunity of the upgrading and replacement of industries in Western industrial countries to make full use of the raw materials in the international market to develop vigorously
科技进步是经济发展的主要动力江泽民ProgressinScienceandTechnologyisthePrincipalForcePropellingEconomicDevelopment¥JiangZeminScienceandtechnolog... Progress in science and technology is the main driving force of economic development Jiang Zemin ProgressinScienceandTech
前几年读法朗士《文学评论集》,其中一篇《中国故事》。是法朗士看了当时法译《聊斋》故事如(《画皮》、《香玉》、《陆判》)后写的评论,译者名字法文译音是le GénéralChen ki tong。这位将军是谁呢?我托北京语言学院的一位朋友请教盛成先生,不久即得回信说:此人系陈季同。据《中国近代史词典》记载:甲午之战后,清政府割让台湾予日本,当时唐景崧署台湾巡抚,反对割让。清廷命其内渡,绅民愤极,决自