
来源 :花木盆景(盆景赏石) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MARRYMAS
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以柽柳制作垂柳盆景,是当代人对中国盆景艺术的创新贡献。王选民大师是柽柳盆景创作的主要代表人物。盆景《黄河之春》(见右图)为其代表作之一。该盆景造型优美,题名意味深长,不仅表现了国土上春天的自然美景,而且在寓意上反映了中国的社会变迁和时代特色,堪称一首祖国春天的赞美诗。《黄河之春》的艺术造型十分精妙,应当作经典,学习借鉴:一、婀娜风姿,真切自然。树干树枝曲折起伏,柔和流畅;细条长梢如缕缕垂丝,随风飘扬。这种柔美的造型符合自然界垂柳的特征。二、临水式造型,优美别致。树干横生下探,伸向水面,独特优美。这种临水式造型,不仅表现了自然环境,而且在寓意上反映了柳树与河水的亲近关系。欣赏者好像从柳树下边听到了黄河初开的流水声,好像看到了远方归来的游子正伏身捧起母亲河之水尽情亲饮。 Making willow bonsai with tamarisk is a contemporary contribution to the art of bonsai in China. Master Wang Xuanmin is a tamarisk bonsai creation of the main representative. Bonsai “Spring of the Yellow River” (see right) as one of its representative. The beautiful bonsai, the title meaningful, not only shows the natural beauty of the spring on the land, but also reflects the symbol of China’s social changes and the characteristics of the times, called a spring hymn. “Spring of the Yellow River,” the art style is very subtle, should be a classic, learn from: First, grace graceful, really natural. Trunks branches twists and turns, soft and smooth; thin strips of long tangs such as plume, waving in the wind. This feminine shape is in line with the characteristics of the weeping willow in nature. Second, the waterfront style, beautiful and chic. Trunk exploration, extending to the water, unique and beautiful. This waterfront style, not only represents the natural environment, but also reflects the willow tree and river water intimacy relationship. Appreciate seems to hear the beginning of the Yellow River under the willow from the beginning of the sound of water, it seems to see the return of the wanderer is far from home to enjoy the mother of the river enjoy drinking.
目的:探讨蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶受体Z1型(protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z1,PTPRZ1)对人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞多西他赛耐药性的影响及其作用机制。方法:将MCF-7细胞暴露