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据病虫测报站15年观测记载表明,中度偏轻年份发生晚,而为害期短.一般存7月下旬至8月中旬.中度偏重年份发生早,为害期长.一般在7月中旬至8月中旬或者下旬.6月下旬到7月底成为它的波动期,建立种群关系.7月以后为蚜量上升期,5日内蚜量成倍增长,尤其是大发生年份.8月份是高粱蚜的主要为害期,此期正是高粱抽穗、灌浆期.9月上旬由为害寄主转向越冬寄主,此期为迁飞盛期.多年来,我们对冬小麦的丰歉,以及不同年度冬小麦的生长发育之气象条件进行了分析筛选,看出高粱蚜的发生与以下条件非常密切. According to the pest forecasting station 15 years of observation records show that moderate to moderate year occurred late, while the damage period is short. Generally stored in late July to mid August. Moderate emphasis on the year occurred earlier, the damage period is long. Generally in mid-July To mid-August or late June .Through the end of June to the end of July to become the period of its volatility, the establishment of the relationship between populations .After July the amount of aphids increased, the amount of aphids doubled within 5 days, especially in the year .In August is sorghum Aphids of the main period of harm, this period is sorghum heading, filling period .In early September by the host of the victim turned to wintering host, this period for the migration period .For many years, we apologize to winter wheat, as well as different annual winter wheat growth Development of the weather conditions were analyzed and screened, see the occurrence of sorghum aphid and the following conditions are very close.
棉大造桥虫Ascotis selenaria dianeriaHübner属鳞翅目尺蛾科。据记载,该虫分布于江苏、浙江、四川、吉林、湖北、湖南、河南、山东等省,为害棉花等农作物。近年来我们在湖
褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (st(?)l)种群稳定增长初期(8月初)田间成、若虫拟合为负二项分布,卵为截尾负二项分布。由此导出理论抽样数模式。成、若虫为n=(1/D~2)[(1/(?))+1/2
薄翅锯天牛(Megopis sinica White)属鞘翅目,天牛科昆虫,是陇南花椒产区危害椒树的主要天牛害虫之一。近几年日趋严重。故我们对此虫进行了初步研究,现将结果报告如下: 一、
对铅笔柏枯梢病Phomopsis juniperovora、铅笔柏芽枯病Trisetacus junipe-rinus和桧柏叶枯病Cercosppora sequoiae var.juniper三种苗期病害的症状、病原形态和病害发生规律
选择不同品种和不同病穗密度的二棱大麦田10块,每田取176m~2范围,以1m~2为样点单位,全群调查坚黑穗病病穗密度,测定其空间分布型。 分田块计算样点平均数(x)及方差(s~2),采