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患者男,49岁。1985年11月8日上午在工作中,高热溶塑料(约300℃)突然从炉内喷出,冲击面部,当即昏倒,数分钟后清醒送我院急诊入院。检查:鼻根部及左眼眶上部内侧嵌有一近似圆锥形浅蓝色塑料块,外露约3×2×2cm大小,深部嵌在左额窦及左眼眶内,异物周围皮肤红肿,有焦痂及血性渗液。左眼睑肿胀,左下睑内眦部有一纵行长约1.5cm的裂口,伤及泪囊,球结膜水肿,角膜混浊,瞳孔散大,无光感。入院诊断:鼻根部、左额窦、左眼眶内塑料异物。当日在局麻下行异物取出术。沿异物外露部分分离到左额窦前壁,沿骨创缘凿除残余额窦前壁,撼动异物,探查,见左额窦底壁,后壁及左眼眶内侧壁前部粉碎性骨折,硬脑膜暴露约2×1.5cm,异物左侧部嵌在左眼眶内深约2cm。分离该眶内异物周围的软组织,将异物完整取出。清除窦内及 Male patient, 49 years old. On the morning of November 8, 1985, at work, hot melt plastic (about 300 ° C) suddenly spurted out of the furnace, impacting the face and immediately collapsed. After a few minutes, she was sent to our emergency hospital. Inspection: The nasal root and the upper part of the left orbital upper part embedded with an approximately conical light blue plastic block, exposed about 3 × 2 × 2cm size, deep embedded in the left frontal and left orbit, the skin around the foreign body swelling, eschar and bloody Exudate. The left eyelid swollen, the left lower eyelid bifurcation has a longitudinal length of about 1.5cm of the gap, injury and lacrimal sac, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity, mydriasis, no light feeling. Admission diagnosis: nasal root, left frontal sinus, left orbital plastic foreign body. The same day in the local anesthesia foreign body removed surgery. Along the exposed part of the foreign body was separated into the anterior frontal left anterior wall of the bone along the edge of the bone chisel remnants of the anterior sinus wall, shake the foreign body, exploration, see the left frontal sinus wall, posterior wall and left orbital medial wall anterior comminuted fracture, hard Meningeal exposure of about 2 × 1.5cm, the left part of foreign body embedded in the left orbital depth of about 2cm. Separate the soft tissue around the intraorbital foreign body, foreign body completely removed. Clear the sinus and
例1 女,56岁,因急性闭角性青光眼(左),临床前期(右)住院,眼部检查:Vo_D4.6,Vos4.5,眼压右1.63kPa左5.6kPa,左眼球结膜充血+,瞳孔散大,不正圆,虹膜节段性萎缩,晶体轻度混浊,
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