
来源 :滨州医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyfan
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营养是保证人体健康的物质基础。为了解在滨州地区供应情况下大学生的营养状况,以便对存在问题提出改进意见,我们于1982年3月对我院前期学生食堂用记帐法进行了膳食调查;并对入学一年零七个月的231名学生进行了查体,现将结果报告如下: 一、调查结果 (一)膳食调查三月份在前期学生食堂就餐者共562人。从膳食中,平均爵人每日摄入食物的情况是:主食以面粉为主,包括标准粉、全面粉,其次是玉米面,共摄入663克。豆类及其制品主要是黄豆和豆腐41克。动物性食品有肉、鱼、蛋共69克。蔬菜以大白菜为主其次 Nutrition is the material basis for ensuring human health. In order to understand the nutritional status of undergraduates in the supply situation in Binzhou so as to provide suggestions for improving the existing problems, we conducted a meal survey on the pre-hospital student canteen in March 1982 using the accounting method. 231 students in the month of the physical examination, the results are reported as follows: First, the survey results (a) dietary survey in March in the pre-student dorm a total of 562 people. From meals, the average daily intake of food Jue is: the staple food mainly flour, including flour, flour, followed by cornmeal, a total intake of 663 grams. Beans and their products are mainly soybeans and tofu 41 grams. Animal foods are meat, fish, egg a total of 69 grams. Chinese cabbage-based vegetables followed
介绍了1950年至2000年欧洲耐火材料的生产量、消耗量、单耗和在钢铁、有色金属、水泥、玻璃、 炼铝及其它工业部门的应用情况;为了保护环境,对用后耐火材料处理技术的改进和
本文主要参考1980年后的文献,对几种病毒性中枢神经系统感染的临床特点和实验诊断的要点综述如下。一、肠道病毒所致的中枢神经系统感染肠道病毒有70~80种血清型,其中约有 T
国家食品药品监督管理局 ( State Food and Drug Administration,简称 SFDA) ,是根据第十届全国人民代表大会第一次会议批准的国务院机构改革方案和《国务院关于机构设置的通
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Pressure composition isotherms, crystal structures and electrochemical capacities of MmB5 alloy-hydrogen systems have been investigated, where Mm represents La-