Quantizing Analysis and Processing of Test Conditions for Infantry Grenade Ignition Characteristics

来源 :Journal of China Ordnance | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdtt1314
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A rule of how the ignition probability or invalidation probability of infantry grenade varies with the projectile quantity is presented based on the statistical analysis. The statistical induction, quantizing analysis and data processing in the infantry grenade type approval test are completed, and we obtain how various test factors in the research item affect the test results(invalidation probability), i.e., quantized data. The acquisition of these quantized data provides theory basis and data auspice for further reasonable filtration of all test factors and the optimization of test scheme. A rule of how the ignition probability or invalidation of of infantry grenade varies with the projectile quantity is presented based on the statistical analysis. The statistical induction, quantizing analysis and data processing in the infantry grenade type approval test are completed, and we obtain how various test factors in the research item affect the test results (invalidation probability), ie, quantized data. The acquisition of these quantized data provides theory basis and data auspice for further reasonable filtration of all test factors and the optimization of test scheme.
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