唐长红 中国著名飞机设计专家

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唐长红:中国航空工业集团公司第一飞机设计研究院总设计师、副院长。1982年毕业于西北工业大学空气动力学专业,1989年获北京航空航天大学固体力学专业硕士学位。唐长红在空气动力、结构强度、气动弹性领域具有较高的理论造诣,是我国知名的结构强度专家,百千万人才工程国家级人选。先后参加了“飞豹”系列飞机、运七-200A等型号的研制及MPC-75、AE100的国际合作。2000年1月由原国防科工委任命为重点型号总设计师,在多项军机型号和ARJ21新支线客机研制中发挥了重要的技术决策和指挥作用。唐长红是总装备部飞机总体技术专业组成员、中国航空工业集团公司航空预研专家组成员,同时任北航兼职教授,陕西省航空学会常务理事,西工大气动弹性研究所学术委员会委员。唐长红曾获陕西省有突出贡献专家、劳动模范称号。获国家科技进步二等奖一项,省部级科技进步一等奖二项、三等奖一项,荣立部级一等功一次、二等功一次。在国内外学术会议及刊物上发表论文20余篇。 Tang Changhong: chief designer and vice president of the First Aircraft Design and Research Institute of China Aviation Industry Corporation. He graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University in aerodynamics in 1982 and obtained a master’s degree in solid mechanics from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1989. Tang Changhong has a high theoretical attainment in the field of aerodynamics, structural strength and aeroelasticity, and is a well-known structural strength expert and a national candidate for the project of tens of millions of talents. Has participated in the “Flying Leopard ” series of aircraft, shipped seven -200A and other models of development and MPC-75, AE100’s international cooperation. January 2000 by the former national defense science and Industry Commission appointed chief designer of key models in a number of military aircraft models and ARJ21 new regional passenger plane development has played an important role in technical decision-making and command. Tang Changhong is a member of General Technology Group of the General Armament Department, an aviation pre-research expert group of China Aviation Industry Corporation, a part-time professor of Beihang University, a standing director of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Aeronautics, and a member of the academic committee of the Institute of Atmospheric Dynamic Elasticity of the West Engineering Institute. Tang Changhong won the outstanding contribution of Shaanxi Province expert, model worker title. Won the second prize of a national science and technology progress, provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress prize two, third prize one, Rongli ministerial level first time, second class work time. He has published over 20 papers in domestic and foreign academic conferences and journals.
斑叶金露花又名花叶假连翘(Duranta repensvar.egata),马鞭草科常绿灌木。原产热带美洲。因其叶面有乳白色斑纹,秋冬开深紫色的花,花叶俱美,可作盆栽或地植美化庭院,是一种