
来源 :暨南学报(哲学社会科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llxww104
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70年代孕育,80年代初爆发的国际债务危机震动了国际社会,几年来,国家债务始终象一把剑高挂在世界经济的上空,债务的危机阴云久久不散,一波未平,一波又起,形成当代国际关系的一大死结。正在演变中的这场旷日持久的国际债务危机引起的发展中国家的高度警觉。一国外债利用的得失,关系到一国在国际社会的兴衰荣辱,如何避免重蹈复辙,吸引外债利用的成败得失,是每一个后来者必须警醒的。本文试图从国际债务的一般理论分析,通过国际债务的国别比较分析,抽象出国际债务的一般经验与教训,并结合中国外债现状,提出中国外债政策构想。 The international debt crisis, which broke out in the 1970s and broke out in the early 1980s, has shaken the international community. Over the past few years, the state’s debt has always been hanging above the world economy like a sword. The debt crisis has been in full swing for a long time. It is another big knot that has shaped the formation of contemporary international relations. The developing countries that are evolving in this protracted international debt crisis are highly alert. The success and failure of a country’s foreign debt utilization is related to the rise and fall of a country in the international community. How to avoid repeating the same mistakes and gaining success or failure in attracting the utilization of foreign debts must be awakened by every later person. This paper attempts to abstract the general experience and lessons of international debt from the general theoretical analysis of international debt through the comparative analysis of the country of international debt and put forward the conception of China’s foreign debt policy based on the current situation of China’s foreign debt.
本专辑分为两部分。 前部分是极冰研究信息,主要是海冰数值模拟进展。随着卫星等高技术探测手段应用到海洋和气象卫星上,对两极冰的监测已积累了20多年的全面的、系统的资料
一、引言金属的钎接是金属零件主要焊接方法之一,可以形成不可拆卸的接头。在众多的中温钎焊合金系统中,只有少数含银量超过50%的银基合金才能轧成薄片。而其它的,包括 Cu—