Enhanced Performance of Denitrifying Sulifde Removal Process by 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-Sulphonate

来源 :中国炼油与石油化工(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmglz
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The denitrifying sulifde removal (DSR) process with bio-granules comprising both heterotrophic and autotrophic denitriifers can simultaneously convert nitrate, sulifde and acetate species into di-nitrogen gas, elemental sulfur and carbon dioxide, respectively, at high loading rates. This study has determined that the reaction rate of sulifde oxidized into sulfur could be enhanced in the presence of 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate (NQS). The presence of NQS mitigated the inhibi-tion effects of sulifde species on denitriifcation. Furthermore, the reaction rates of nitrate and acetate to nitrogen gas and CO2, respectively, were also promoted in the presence of NQS, thereby enhancing the performance of DSR granules. The advantages and disadvantages of applying the NQS-DSR process are discussed.
随着8月7 5日第二轮第一批中央生态环境保护督察在河南巡查的结束,标志着作为环保攻坚战主战场的河南省石油和化工企业首战告捷:截至8月7 5日,河南省围绕中央生态环境保护督
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