
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoct
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各行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位:省九届人大常委会第二十四次会议讨论通过的《黑龙江省发展乡镇企业条例》(以下简称《条例》)将于10月1日起施行。为深入贯彻《条例》,进一步促进、扶持、引导、保护和规范乡镇企业的发展,特作如下通知:一、充分认识实施《条例》的重要意义,迅速组织开展《条例》的学习教育活动。《条例》的颁布施行,标志着《中华人民共和国乡镇企业法》在我省得到切实有效的贯彻实施,标志着我省乡镇企业有了更加明确的法律地位,乡镇企业的发展和管理进一步纳入了法制轨道。《条例》进一步确立了乡镇企业在全省国民经济中的法律地位,明确了乡镇企业发展的基本方针和重要原则;进一步明确了乡镇企业的范围界定,理顺了乡镇企业的管理体制;进一步明确了 Each administrative bureau, municipalities and counties, and the provincial government’s direct affiliates: The “Regulations on the Development of Township Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province” (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”) will be adopted in the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress. It will be implemented on the 1st. In order to thoroughly implement the “Regulations” and further promote, support, guide, protect and regulate the development of township and village enterprises, we hereby make special notice as follows: First, we must fully understand the significance of implementing the “Regulations” and quickly organize and carry out the “Regulations” study and education activities. The promulgation and implementation of the “Regulations” marked the effective implementation of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Township Enterprises” in our province, which symbolized that our township and township enterprises had a more defined legal status, and the development and management of township and village enterprises were further incorporated into Legal track. The “Regulations” further establishes the legal status of township enterprises in the province’s national economy, clarifies the basic principles and important principles for the development of township enterprises, further clarifies the scope of township enterprises, and rationalizes the management system of township and village enterprises; The
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