,Single Molecule Analysis of the Arabidopsis FRA1 Kinesin Shows that It Is a Functional Motor Protei

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luowanda
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The Arabidopsis FRA1 kinesin contributes to the organization of cellulose microfibrils through an unknown mechanism.The cortical localization of this kinesin during interphase raises the possibility that it transports cell wallrelated cargoes along cortical microtubules that either directly or indirectly influence cellulose microfibril patteing.To determine whether FRA1 is an authentic motor protein,we combined bulk biochemical assays and single molecule fluorescence imaging to analyze the motor properties of recombinant,GFP-tagged FRA1 containing the motor and coiled-coil domains (designated as FRA1(707)-GFP).We found that FRA1(707)-GFP binds to microtubules in an ATP-dependent manner and that its ATPase activity is dramatically stimulated by the presence of microtubules.Using single molecule studies,we found that FRA1(707)-GFP moves processively along microtubule tracks at a velocity of about 0.4 μm s-1.In addition,we found that FRA1(707)-GFP is a microtubule plus-end-directed motor and that it moves along microtubules as a dimer.Interestingly,our single molecule analysis shows that the processivity of FRA1(707)-GFP is at least twice the processivity of conventional kinesin,making FRA1 the most processive kinesin to date.Together,our data show that FRA1 is a bona fide motor protein that has the potential to drive long-distance transport of cargo along cortical microtubules.
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