成也萧何 败也萧何——看“通用接环”的兴与衰

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历史如此捉弄于人,曾经显赫一时的“通用接环”,而现如今却变得如此之凋零;曾经宾得和尼康都是AF/MF相兼容的坚定捍卫者、同时又受困于接环,而现如今发展的结果却截然不同,曾经依靠“通用接环”成为一代枭雄的宾得相机,现如今只能依靠便携式和普及型数码单反相机艰难度日;这是历史惊人的巧合,还是发展的必然,究其原因是什么,让我们跟随宾得相机在发展过程中的得与失,来解开这“通用接环”的兴衰之迷。在35mm可更换镜头相机上设置接环的想法,最初源自于大型座机螺口镜头的启发(图1),当初并没有赋予镜头接环太多功能,只是用于镜头与机身之间的固定连接,另外还兼顾有调焦螺纹作用。经过80多年演变和发展,目前赋予相机接环具有更为丰富的内涵,它直接影响一个相机品牌未来发展的兴与衰。同样采用什么类型的接环方式曾经也是令相机生产厂商最为头疼的一件事,它也长期困扰用户对不同品牌相机的选择。采用自己独立的接环方式,通常是照相机生产厂商习惯做法。曾经有人怀疑过相机厂为什么非一定要自己设计镜头接环,如能进行统一那该多么方便呢?单从技术角度来看,统一接环做法是可行的,也曾经作过两次尝试,先是M42,随后是K型卡口。但从商业角度出发,许多著名相机生产厂(例如:徕卡、尼康、佳能等)为了避免自己利益的流失,都不肯妥协生产统一接环镜头,因为相机生产厂家的主要收益并非来自机身,而是镜头。因此千方百计设计自己的独立接环以免利益流失,这种做法虽然合情合理,但给使用者造成不便,也是资源的浪费。在某些时候为了竞争需求而进行过“统一接环”的尝试,由于缺少很多著名品牌加盟,因此这种“统一接环”带有很大局限性。 History so far, the once prominent “Universal Ring,” but now it has become so dying; once Pentax and Nikon are both AF / MF-compatible defenders, but also trapped in the ring, But now the results of the development is very different, has relied on the “Universal Ring” to become a generation of dazzling Pentax cameras, and now can only rely on portable and universal digital SLR camera to survive; this is an amazing coincidence of history, or development Inevitably, the reason is why let us follow the gains and losses of Pentax cameras in the development process, to unlock the fans of the rise and fall of this “Universal Ring.” The idea of ​​setting a loop on a 35mm interchangeable lens camera was originally inspired by the large landline screw-on lens (Figure 1), which did not initially give the lens attachment too much functionality but for use between the lens and the body Fixed connection, also take into account the role of focus on the thread. After more than 80 years of evolution and development, the present camera ring has a richer connotation, which directly affects the development and decline of a camera brand in the future. The same type of connection method used to be one of the most troubling things for camera makers, which has long plagued users’ choice of different brands of cameras. The use of their own way of connecting the ring, usually the usual practice of the camera manufacturers. Someone once wondered why the camera factory must design their own lens ring, how easy it would be to unify the lens? From a technical point of view, it is feasible to unite the ring, have also made two attempts, first M42, followed by K-type bayonet. However, many well-known camera manufacturers (eg Leica, Nikon, Canon, etc.) are reluctant to compromise on the production of a unified loop lens to avoid the loss of their own interests because the main revenue from the camera manufacturers does not come from the fuselage, But the lens. Therefore, by doing everything possible to design their own independent access ring in order to avoid the loss of benefits. Although this approach is reasonable, it causes inconvenience to users and is also a waste of resources. At some times in order to compete for the demand for a “unified access” attempt, due to the lack of many famous brands to join, so this “unified access” with a lot of limitations.
目的:探讨两种大豆异黄酮主要成分染料木黄酮(genistein,GEN)和大豆苷元(daidzein,DAI)抑制人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞增殖的作用与过氧化物酶体增殖激活物受体γ(peroxisome prolife