跨台阶上等级 为西部大开发作贡献

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四川省国税局直属分局树立“追赶式,跨越式”发展的指导思想,认真部署今年工作提出“跨台阶,上等级,为西部大开发作贡献”的行动口号,确定了“确保收入,深化改革,规范管理,强化稽查,优化服务,推进廉政”的基本工作思路。一、深化征管改革,走科技加管理的治税之路深化征管改革是新时期税收工作的一项重要任务,也是税收适应市场经济发展的需要。当前信息产业日新月异,在税收征管领域广泛运用信息化技术已势在必行,应当说信息化 The direct branch of the State Administration of Taxation of Sichuan Province established the guiding ideology of “catch-up and leap-forward development” and conscientiously deployed this year’s work slogan of “striding forward the development of the western region” Ensure income, deepen reform, standardize management, strengthen auditing, optimize services and promote clean government. " I. Deepening the reform of tax collection and taking the road of tax-cutting by science and technology and management Deepening the reform of tax collection and administration is an important task in taxation work in the new period and also the need for taxation to adapt to the development of the market economy. The current rapid changes in the information industry, in the field of tax administration extensive use of information technology is imperative, it should be said that information technology
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