
来源 :机构与行政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juntao2010
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一、改革的主要内容(一)建立精简、统一、效能的大部门体制。着眼于形成职责明确、分工合作、协调一致的组织结构和工作格局,根据上级部署,结合烟台实际,重点对市县两级工业和信息化、内外贸、交通运输、住房和建设、人力资源和社会保障、文化广电新闻出版、外事侨务等行政资源进行整合,力求机构精简、人员精干、管理高效、服务优良。一是组建新的经济和信息化机构。整合工业行业管理、经济运行调节、信息化管理等职能,加强对工业的统筹协调,推进信息化和工业化融合,加快走新型工业化道路。二是组建新的商务机构。整合外经贸、财贸部门承担的职责,加强对内外贸市场的统一管理,打破流通管理中内外贸“两张皮”格局,构建内外贸协调发展的商务管理新机制。三是组建新的交通运输机构。重点强化其综合运输体系规划协调、统筹区域和城乡 First, the reform of the main contents (a) to establish a streamlined, unified and efficiency of most of the system. Focus on the formation of a clear responsibility, division of labor, coordinated and coordinated organizational structure and work pattern, according to the higher level deployment, combined with the actual Yantai, focusing on the city and county industries and information technology, internal and external trade, transport, housing and construction, human resources and Social security, culture, radio and television news publishing, overseas affairs and other administrative resources integration, and strive to streamline the organization, the staff capable, efficient management, excellent service. First, set up a new economic and information agencies. The functions of industrial management, economic operation regulation and information management should be consolidated, the overall coordination of industry should be strengthened, the integration of informatization and industrialization should be promoted, and the new industrialization path should be accelerated. Second, set up a new business organization. Integrate the functions and responsibilities assumed by foreign trade and economic cooperation departments and trade departments, strengthen the unified management of the domestic and foreign trade markets, break the pattern of internal and external trade in circulation and control and establish a new business management mechanism for the coordinated development of domestic and foreign trade. Third, set up a new transport agency. Focus on strengthening its integrated transport system planning and coordination, co-ordinating the region and urban and rural areas
激励工作的好坏直接关系到能否调动员工积极性的问题,关系到企业竞争力高低的问题。本文试浅析企业在实施激励措施时容易出现的3个误区,并提出修正措施。 Incentive work is