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天津《今晚报》总编辑李夫尝云:“晚报只有一个晚上的生命。”好,我们就来瞧瞧晚报这一个晚上的魅力和生命力。文革前的一天,陶铸同志去看望毛泽东主席。毛泽东问:《南方日报》办得怎样?陶铸答:办得一般。陶铸便问主席对《南方日报》有什么意见。主席说:我看《羊城晚报》。又一天,陶铸对曾兼任《羊城晚报》总编辑的黄文俞说:“周总理说:《羊城晚报》可以出口。”“文化大革命”后,王震同志一次对《北京晚报》的记者说:中央政治局的同志都看晚报。 1985年正月十五,北京市劳动人民文化宫大殿举行灯谜晚会,《北京晚报》二版发了条100来字的消息:《文化宫里闹元宵》。结果怎么样?当天晚上去了2万多人,自行车就堆了7000辆,人们都要拥进去,这还了得?北京市东城区公安局出动了上百名警察;维持不过来,又请对门国家公安部出动上百名警察协助,进行疏导,才没有出人身伤亡事故。晚报一条百把字的小消息就把成千上万的人吸引到文化宫去了。 Tianjin Evening News editor Li Fu taste cloud: “evening only one night’s life.” Well, let’s look at the charm and vitality of this evening’s evening. One day before the Cultural Revolution, Comrade Tao Zhu visited Chairman Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong asked: “Nanfang Daily” how to do? Tao Zhu A: do it in general. Tao Zhu asked the chairman of the “Nanfang Daily” have any comments. Chairman said: I see “Yangcheng Evening News.” Another day, Tao Zhu told Huang Wenyu, once the chief editor of the “Yangcheng Evening Post”: “Premier Zhou said:” Yangcheng Evening News “can be exported.” After the “Cultural Revolution,” Comrade Wang Zhen once told reporters in Beijing Evening News: Political Comrades all look at the evening paper. In the first lunar month of 1985, a hall of lantern was held in the hall of Beijing Municipal People’s Cultural Palace. The second edition of Beijing Evening News sent a message saying “Lantern Festival in the Cultural Palace.” What happened? How about the night? When more than 20,000 people went to the night, 7,000 bicycles were piled on the road, people all had to go in. Was this also terrible? Beijing Dongcheng District Public Security Bureau dispatched hundreds of police officers; Ministry of Public Security dispatched hundreds of police assistance, to divert, there is no personal injury or death accident. Evening News a hundred words of the little news to thousands of people attracted to the Cultural Palace gone.