
来源 :药物流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaa939639017
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患者,男,19岁。因“扭伤左踝后疼痛、活动障碍5d”于2011-04-28入院体检:T 36.5℃,R 20次/min,HR 82次/min,BP 120/70mmHg。无既往疾病史及食物、药物过敏史。完善相关检查后于2011-04-29 10:00在腰麻下行左外踝骨块摘除、腓距韧带修复术,手术顺利,麻醉满意,术中出血少,补液1000 ml,术后患者安返病房,拟予以葡萄糖氯化钠注 Patient, male, 19 years old. Because of “sprained left ankle pain, movement disorders 5d ” on 2011-04-28 admission examination: T 36.5 ℃, R 20 times / min, HR 82 times / min, BP 120 / 70mmHg. No history of past disease and food, drug allergy history. Improve the relevant examination at 2011-04-29 10:00 in the lower left lumbar spinal malleolus bone removal, repair of the peroneal ligament, the operation was successful, satisfactory anesthesia, less bleeding, rehydration 1000 ml, postoperative patients return to ward , To be given glucose sodium chloride injection
患者,男,58岁,因受凉后出现咳嗽、咳痰3 d,发热1d,于2013年2月4日来我院急诊科就诊。入院测体温37.8℃,神志清楚,精神一般,肺部叩诊浊音,双肺听诊呼吸音粗,可闻及少许湿性啰
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