Acoustic anechoic layers with singly periodic array of scatterers: Computational methods, absorption

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsxiaomo
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The acoustic properties of anechoic layers with a singly periodic array of cylindrical scatterers are investigated. A method combined plane wave expansion and finite element analysis is extended for out-of-plane incidence. The reflection characteristics of the anechoic layers with cavities and locally resonant scatterers are discussed. The backing is a steel plate followed by an air half space. Under this approximate zero transmission backing condition, the reflection reduction is induced by the absorption enhancement. The absorption mechanism is explained by the scattering/absorption cross section of the isolated scatterer. Three types of resonant modes which can induce efficient absorption are revealed. Due to the fact that the frequencies of the resonant modes are related to the size of the scatterers, anechoic layers with scatterers of mixed size can broaden the absorption band. A genetic optimization algorithm is adopted to design the anechoic layer with scatterers of mixed size at a desired frequency band from 2 kHz to 10 kHz for normal incidence, and the influence of the incident angle is also discussed. The acoustic properties of anechoic layers with a singly periodic array of cylindrical scatterers are investigated. A method combined plane wave expansion and finite element analysis is extended for out-of-plane incidence. The reflection characteristics of the anechoic layers with cavities and locally resonant scatterers The presented mechanism is explained by the absorption / absorption cross section of the isolated scatterer Three types of resonant modes which can induce efficient absorption are revealed. Due to the fact that the frequencies of the resonant modes are related to the size of the scatterers, anechoic layers with scatterers of mixed size can broaden the absorption band. algorithm is adopted to design the anechoic layer with scatterers of mixed size a t a desired frequency band from 2 kHz to 10 kHz for normal incidence, and the influence of the incident angle is also discussed.
我出生在一个小城镇,却时常思念乡下的老家……  还记得最近一次回老家,是去年的暑假。炎热的夏天, 坐上火车,经过了漫长的旅途,我和父母终于到达了这个我思念的地方——安达。  离奶奶家还有一段路程,打了的士。出租车刚一进村,一种熟悉的感觉涌上心头,心脏的跳动莫名加快了许多。 啊,清新的空气在我们周围蔓延着,阳光直直地照在身上,暖洋洋的。我慵懒地伸了个腰,享受它带给我的温暖、美丽、宁静。  我抚摸着那
编前话:  今年春季热播的电视剧《欢乐颂》一度被观众热议,里面的五美中,最令人心疼的莫过于樊胜美了。樊胜美外表光鲜亮丽,却被自己的家庭所累。究其原因在于,她的父母是典型的重男轻女。樊胜美有一个游手好闲、好吃懒做还四处惹是生非的哥哥,她赚的每一分钱几乎都用来填补她哥欠下的巨额债务。  当樊胜美的父亲因重病急需动手术,否则就会死掉的时候,她的母亲还在袒护偏爱她那个不争气的哥哥,把所有的责任都推给了女儿
通过分光光度法测定 Sr2 + (aq) 与 Fe O24 (aq) 的平衡浓度,计算出 Sr Fe O4 在298 K 时的 K○sp 常数和热力学函数Δ H○f ,Δ G○f , S○ 分别为2 .02 ×10 - 10 ,- 1067 .78k J mol- 1 ,- 936 .48k Jmol- 1 ,51 .90 Jmol- 1· K- 1 .用 Sr S O4 作参比,对所用方法的可靠性作了
据说,只有 12%的出轨男人认为其出轨对象比妻子更具吸引力。  也就是说,大多数男人并不会为了从一个更漂亮的女人那里得到更好的性爱而出轨。  而据美国布拉德利大学针对上万名被试者做过的调查统计,在任何一个年龄阶段,男人期望的性伴侣数目都要多于女人。在这项调查中,男人希望 30年内有7个性伴侣。  曾先生 金融工作者 51岁  Q:有人说“男人天生爱出轨”,对此你怎么看?你出过轨吗?  A:觉得挺正