
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yysky99
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苗圃地育苗可分为裸根育苗和容器育苗,但在气温较高的许多发展中国家,容器育苗更为有用。常规育苗容器都为聚乙烯制品。过去20年来,许多发达国家在改进育苗容器方面取得了很大进步。 温带苗圃里广为应用的育苗容器主要有两种:一种为生物降解钵。因其降解速率难以预测,根系容易穿过容器而交织在一起,所以在热带地区不太受青睐。当苗圃地比较潮湿,容器降解很快时,苗木定植干旱土壤后降解速率几乎降到零,便可能阻碍根系穿过容器或伸入土壤。如在干燥环境中容器的地上部分还可起到灯蕊作用,从新定植苗周围土壤中吸收水分。另一种容器为一个易于个人搬动的大浅盘。根据孔径大小,每一浅盘内有孔60—200个,每孔装进培养土,以维持一颗苗的生长。定植前,苗木出孔,根系相互依附,发育良好,在搬动、转移和定植过程中几乎不会损伤根系。这种育苗容器对 Seedling nurseries can be divided into nursery root nursery and container nursery, but in many developing countries with higher temperatures, container nursery is more useful. Conventional nursery containers are polyethylene products. In the past two decades, many developed countries have made great strides in improving seedling raising containers. There are two main types of nursery containers widely used in temperate nurseries: one is a biodegradable bowl. Because of its unpredictable rate of degradation, roots are easily interwoven through containers and are therefore less favored in the tropics. When the nursery is wet and the container degenerates rapidly, the rate of degradation of the seedlings to almost zero after planting the arid soils may prevent the roots from penetrating the container or into the soil. As in the dry environment, the container above ground can also play the role of light core, from the newly planted soil around the plant to absorb moisture. The other container is a large platter that is easy for an individual to move. According to the pore size, there are 60-200 holes in each tray, and each hole is filled with culture soil to maintain the growth of a seedling. Before planting, seedlings hole, the root system attached to each other, well-developed, moving, transferring and colonization process will hardly damage the root system. This nursery container pair
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