
来源 :哲学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanwan1985
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Based on the “System Theory of Technology” and from the level of Action Theory, G. Ropohl points out the limit of Individual Ethics of Responsibility during the analysis of the procedure and sociality. He proposed to substitute individual responsibility with institution responsibility. This proposal opens a new prospect for the construction of Ethics of Technology. He tries to overcome controversy on Value Pluralism, put forward ethical criterions for technology decision to substitute “increasing good” with “avoiding evil”. In spite of certain merits, his negative utilitarian can not resolve fundamentally the value conflicts because of the ambiguity of technical consequences, the dissent and priorities of people’s feelings for the “evil”. Based on the “System Theory of Technology” and from the level of Action Theory, G. Ropohl points out the limit of Individual Ethics of Responsibility during the analysis of the procedure and sociality. He proposal to substitute individual responsibility with institution responsibility. opens a new prospect for the construction of Ethics of Technology. He tries to overcome controversy on Value Pluralism, put forward ethical criterions for technology decision to substitute “increasing good” with “avoiding evil.” In spite of certain merits, his negative utilitarian can not resolve fundamentally the value conflicts because of the ambiguity of technical consequences, the dissent and priorities of people’s feelings for the “evil”.
<正> 地质统计学是从研究矿产储量计算及其误差估计问题产生和发展起来的一门新兴边缘学科。它是应用统计学的一个分支。其研究对象是空间和时间上具有某种连续性的广泛分布
<正> 1∶20万扫面中由于采样和分析方法的差异,导致各图幅间数据存在着系统误差和随机误差,从而使资料的研究产生困难。本文通过一个实例,较系统地从数学模型、处理结果检验
<正> 地质上,把不规则的离散点网格化成规则的网格点的例子是很常见的,尤其在分散流数据处理中,更是离不开数据的网格化。离散点的网格化方法有许多种,如N-P法,方位法,趋势面
<正> 激电衰减特性在地下水勘探中的重要意义,愈来愈受到水文物探工作者的重视。目前国内生产的微机激电仪(DWD-1)和微机电测仪(DWS-1)都可以实测激电衰减曲线。为进一步利用