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党的十八届五中全会深刻认识并准确把握国内外形势新变化新特点,审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》(以下简称《十三五规划》)。《十三五规划》提出的五大发展理念是“十三五”发展的行动指南和思想指引,检察机关必须围绕全面建成小康社会的目标,着力转变与“五大发展理念”不相适应的思想观念、机制制度,优化检察职能,切实把服务创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享发展理念贯彻落实到检察工 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee profoundly understood and accurately grasped the new characteristics of the new situation at home and abroad, reviewed and adopted the Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (hereinafter referred to as “Thirteen Five Planning ”). The Five Major Development Ideas Proposed in the 13th Five-Year Plan are the guiding principles and guidelines for the development of the “13th Five-Year Plan”. The procuratorial organs must focus on the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, strive to change and “Five Major Development Ideas” Adapt to the ideological concepts, mechanisms and systems, optimize the procuratorial functions, and earnestly implement the concept of service innovation, coordination, green, open and shared development to the prosecutor
从前有一个小男孩。小男孩和他的爸爸住在原野上的房子里。他们的房子是间小小的木头屋,像草丛里的一个淡黄色的小鸟巢。 There used to be a little boy. The boy and his
不管我走到哪里,每当怀疑和恐惧爬上我心头的时候,我都会对自己微笑,它使我重新充满自信。 No matter where I go, I always smile at myself whenever suspicion and fear
石河子柴油机厂中学创建于六十年代初,是一所环境优美、设施先进、教育优良、独具特色的市属中小学。她位于 Established in the early 1960s, Shihezi Diesel Engine Facto
他知道,女儿尽管兴趣广泛,而真正的始终如一的爱好,还是文学。 He knows that although her daughter has a wide range of interests, her real consistent hobby is liter