
来源 :少年文艺(少年读者文摘) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinner888
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总是会做这样一类的梦:知道这一堂要考试,但是在大楼里上上下下,就是找不到自己的教室。要不然就是进了教室,老师来了,却发现自己从来没上过这么一门课,也没有课本,坐在位子上,心里又急又怕。还有最常梦到的一种,就是把书拿出来,却发现上面的字一个也看不懂,而其他的人却笃定得很。老师叫我起来,我张口结舌,无法出声。所有的同学都转过头来,用一种冷漠、不屑的眼光看我,使得我在梦里都发起抖来。 Will always do such a kind of dream: to know this one exam, but up and down in the building, is unable to find their own classroom. Otherwise, it was into the classroom, the teacher came, but found himself never took such a course, there is no textbook, sitting in the seat, my heart was anxious and scared. And one of the most common dreams is to take the book out and find that the words above can not be understood, while others are quite certain. Teacher called me up, I dumbfounded, unable to speak out. All the students turned their heads and looked at me with a kind of indifference and disdain, causing me to start shaking in my dreams.
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新形势下建设和谐文化,是推进社会和谐发展的必然要求,是促进人的全面发展的重要条件。 Building a harmonious culture under the new situation is an inevitable require
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