Effect of thermophysical property and coating thickness on microstructure and characteristics of a c

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A new improved investment casting technology(IC) has been presented and compared with the existing IC technology such as lost foam casting(LFC). The effect of thermophysical property and coating thickness on casting solidification temperature field, microstructure and hardness has been investigated. The results show that the solidification rate decreases inversely with the coating thickness when the coating contains silica sol, zircon powder, mullite powder and defoaming agent. In contrast, the solid cooling rate increases as the coating thickness increases. However, the solidification rate and solid cooling rate of the casting produced by the existing IC and the improved IC are very similar when the coating thickness is 5 mm, so the microstructure and hardness of a container corner fitting produced by the improved IC and the existing IC are similar. The linear regression equation for the grain size(d) and cooling rate(v) of the castings is d= –0.41v+206.1. The linear regression equation for the content of pearlite(w) and solid cooling rate(t) is w=1.79 t + 6.71. The new improved IC can greatly simplify the process and decrease the cost of production compared with the existing IC. Contrasting with LFC, container corner fittings produced by the new improved IC have fewer defects and better properties. It was also found that the desired microstructure and properties can be obtained by changing the thermophysical property and thickness of the coating. A new improved investment casting technology (IC) has been presented and compared with the existing IC technology such as lost foam casting (LFC). The effect of thermophysical property and coating thickness on casting solidification temperature field, microstructure and hardness has been investigated. results show that the solidification rate decreases inversely with the coating thickness when the coating contains silica sol, zircon powder, mullite powder and defoaming agent. rate of the casting produced by the existing IC and the improved IC are very similar when the coating thickness is 5 mm, so the microstructure and hardness of a container corner fitting produced by the improved IC and the existing IC are similar. The linear regression equation for the grain size (d) and cooling rate (v) of the castings is d = -0.41v + 206.1. The linear regression equa tion for the content of pearlite (w) and solid cooling rate (t) is w = 1.79 t + 6.71. The new improved IC can greatly simplify the process and decrease the cost of production compared with the existing IC. Contrasting with LFC, container corner fittings produced by the new improved IC have fewer defects and better properties. It was also found that the desired microstructure and properties can be obtained by changing the thermophysical property and thickness of the coating.
小学生对知识的获取全靠兴趣,有兴趣就学,没兴趣就玩。他们对哪一科产生学习热情将会影响到他们的一生,因此,对于小学生学习兴趣的培养尤其重要。激发起学生的兴趣,学习就会积极主动,学得轻松而有成效。那如何提高小学生学习语文的兴趣呢?下面就笔者在小学语文教学中激发学生学习兴趣的实践,谈谈自己的一些做法和体会。  一、在情境中,激发学生的学习兴趣  兴趣是最好的老师,假设情境,让学生在情境中获取知识,这样教
摘 要影视创作教学具有实践性强、操作性强、应用性强等特点,传统的偏重理论讲授的教学方式很难达到预期目标。在教学过程中引入“基于项目的学习”(PBL)教学理念,开展项目化教学,因地制宜、循序渐进,可以激发学生的学习热情和创作潜能,有利于理论与技能兼备的专业人才的培养。  关键词 基于项目的学习(PBL) 项目化教学 研究性学习 影视创作    “基于项目的学习”(PBL)作为一种探究性学习模式,它关
我是一个年轻的职高班主任,人们都说班主任管理工作千头万绪,最烦琐、最辛苦,的确如此。做一个班主任难,做一个职高班主任更难。结合自己做班主任的经验,浅谈一下班主任的管理工作。  班主任是班级的管理者、组织者、主导者,也是素质教育的主要施者。班主任对学生思想品德的养成具有很重要的作用,对学生健康心理的形成起着极其重要的影响,是沟通学校、家庭和社会教育的桥梁。“有什么样的班主任就有什么样的学生”, 实实
很多女生信心十足地从初中跨入高中学习,尽管在数学学习上,她们很努力,可经过一段时间后,她们觉得学数学很吃力,学习成绩也大幅度滑坡。因此,培养高中女生的数学能力是摆在每个高中数学老师面前必须急需解决的问题。下面我就我在这方面的思考和做法提出供同仁们商榷。  一、重视初高中数学的衔接  很多初中数学老师为了应付中考,很多与高中知识识有关联但是中考不考的数学内容,数学老师课上不重视,给我感受比较深的如:
“兵者,以武为植,以文为种。武为表,文为里”。发展军营文化是培育当代革命军人核心价值观的重要途径。军营文化要保持生机与活力,必须紧跟时代发展步伐,不断汲取社会文化的营养,在与社会文化同步发展中扩展军营文化新的内容、新的形式。  就文化发展自身的规律而言,任何一种文化要保持旺盛的生命力,都必须是开放的、发展的,只有在与不同文化的交流碰撞、比较鉴别、批判选择和不断改造中,才能避免僵滞和衰弱,始终站在时
摘 要 大学校园中,部分家境贫寒的女大学生是一个特殊的群体。一方面,她们身上有较其他女生更为突出的优点:坚强自立、学习勤奋刻苦,生活节俭朴素;另一方面,她们又有着与众不同的特殊心理--自卑情结,并严重地影响着她们的学习生活、身心健康,对此,我们必须高度重视,帮助贫困女大学生跳出自卑的泥潭,培养其健康的人格。  关键词 高职院校 贫困女大学生 自卑 对策    一、引言   由于家庭生活贫困,高职院