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我们在写作文的时候,常常一不小心就写错字、用错词,造成许多令人哭笑不得的误会。这篇文章里也出现了一些错误,下面的一个小地雷就代表一个错误。同学们,快使用你们的火眼金睛来纠错,找到几个错误就给几个地雷填上颜色吧!(答案本期找)上课铃响了,小Q和同学们还在操场上踢着球。“槽糕!”正运着球的李淘气大嚷一声:“这节课是唠叨大王的作文课,他最讨厌别人迟到了!”“啊,快跑啊!”“冲回去!”男孩子们乱做一团,足球也顾不上捡,一窝疯地往教室跑。只有小Q一边跑,一边恋恋不舍地回望着足球场。原本平静如水的教室,因为球员们的回归,沸腾起来。“安静!”李老师站在讲台上,透过厚厚的眼镜片凌历地瞪着小Q他们。 When we were writing essays, we often accidentally wrote typos and used wrong words to cause many misunderstandings. There have also been some mistakes in this article. The following small miner represents a mistake. Students, quickly use your eyes to correct mistakes, find several mistakes to fill in the number of mines fill it! (The answer to this issue) The bell rang, Q and classmates are still playing on the playground ball. “This is the nagging essay class, he hates the lateness of others! ” “Ah, run ah!” “Go back!” The boys make a mess, football also refused to pick up, a frantically ran to the classroom. Only small Q while running, while reluctantly looking back at the football field. The originally calm classroom, because the players return, boiling up. “Quiet! ” Teacher Li stood on the podium, staring through the thick lens of the small Q they Qilian.
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