Predicting crop response to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and global warming is an important issue. The impact of CO2 on crop development is the result of the interaction of CO2 and other major climate variables with crop development, and little is known about this. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of changes in CO2 environment and the interaction of CO2 with temperature on the development of Pima cotton. Pima cotton (GosypiumbarbadenseL.cv.s-6) was grown in sunlit crop boxes from the beginning of sowing. Day / night temperature control at 20/12 ~ 40/32 ℃, every 5 ℃ a treatment. Daytime CO2 is kept at 350 or 700 μLL-1. In the second experiment, the temperature was maintained at 30/22 ° C (day / night) with CO2 of 350, 450, 700 μLL-1. The number of days required for the development of the main stem, the number of days of emergence to early budding, the number of vegetative and fruiting branches, the number of sessile fruits, the number of bolls and buds, and the number of bolls for the plants were determined. It was found that the formation rate of the main stem node, budding and flowering sooner or later insensitive to atmospheric CO2 concentration, but very sensitive to temperature. The growth of nodes before fruiting branches grow slower than the growth of nodes after fruiting branches grow. Different CO2 concentration has no effect on the length of the festival. The number of branches is both temperature and CO2 sensitive. In contrast, plants grown in high CO2 gave more cotton bolls to the lower branches because they provided a larger pool of photosynthesis. Perhaps this is why we observed a reduction in the number of bolls in the upper stalk of cotton plants grown in high CO2 concentrations.