
来源 :四川省情 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xeabor1
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2002年1-8月全省200家重点工业企业生产、销售高速增长,拉动全省工业生产、销售快速增长,经济效益稳步提高,带动全省工业增长质量明显提高,有力地促进四川工业经济快速发展。 一、拉动全省工业生产、销售快速增长。1-8月全省200家重点工业企业完成工业增加值306.01亿元,同比增长22.05%。较全省规模以上工业生产增长快5.04个百分点,对全省规模以上工业的贡献率为54.41%,拉动全省工业增加值增长9.26个百分点。其中:饮料制造业实现增加值52.29亿元,增长5.85%;黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业增加值45.61亿元,增长8.77%;电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业增加 From January to August of 2002, the production and sales of 200 key industrial enterprises across the province increased rapidly, stimulating the rapid growth of industrial production and sales in the province, steadily increasing economic benefits, driving the quality of industrial growth in the province significantly, and effectively promoting the rapid industrial economy in Sichuan. development of. First, the province’s industrial production and sales are rapidly growing. From January to August, the province’s 200 key industrial enterprises completed an industrial added value of 30.601 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.05%. Compared with the province’s above-scale industrial production, the growth rate is 5.04 percentage points faster, and the contribution rate to the above-scale industries in the province is 54.41%, which drives the province’s industrial added value growth by 9.26 percentage points. Among them, beverage industry achieved an increase of 5.229 billion yuan, an increase of 5.85%; ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by a value of 4.561 billion yuan, an increase of 8.77%; electricity, steam and hot water production and supply increased.
近几年来,四川内江市市中区人武部从收归时的重重困难中迎难而上,全面建设取得显著成效,多项工作受到上级表彰,先后获得 In recent years, the Central Military Region De
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2001年度全国造纸行业上市公司基本情况一览表@陈奇志 Please download and view, this article does not support online acce
光明率先高举“无抗奶”大旗,有人紧随其后,有人坐壁上观……在这场“无抗”之争的背面,我们看到的是,中国乳业市场的洗牌运动。 Bright has taken the lead in holding up