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一、今年全省经济工作的总体思路是:以邓小平理论为指导,按照“三个代表”的要求,认真贯彻落实党的十五大和十五届五中全会精神,以发展为主题,以改革开放为动力,加快实施西部大开发战略;依靠体制创新和科技创新,强化农业基础地位,大力发展特色经济,努力推进经济结构的战略性调整;进一步建立健全现代企业制度,巩固和扩大国有企业改革和脱困成果;多渠道扩大就业,加快建立和完善社会保障体系,努力提高城乡居民收入;正确处理改革发展稳定的关系,促进国民经济持续快速健康发展和社会全面进步,努力实现“十五”计划的良好开局。同时确定明年的经济增长目标为8%,略高于全国平均水平。二、今年全省宏观调控的主要预期目标是:国内生产总值增长8%;地方财政收入与经济同步增长;全社会固定资产投资500亿元,增长13.1%;居民消费价格略高于去年水平;外贸出口4.5亿美元,增长12.5%。三、今年全省经济工作需要把握的几个方面:2001年是全面推进西部大开发战略的重要一年,全省上下要把各项工作纳入西部大开发的轨道,用大开发统揽全局,鼓舞干劲。要切实加快在 I. General Plan for Economic Work in the Province This year, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and in accordance with the requirements of “Three Represents ”, the overall thinking of the economic work in the province is to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee with the theme of development , Take reform and opening-up as the driving force and speed up the implementation of the strategy for the development of the western region; relying on institutional innovation and technological innovation, strengthen the basic position of agriculture, vigorously develop the special economy and strive to promote the strategic readjustment of the economic structure; further establish and improve the modern enterprise system and consolidate and expand State-owned enterprises reform and the results of their efforts to get rid of poverty; expand employment through various channels; accelerate the establishment and improvement of the social security system and strive to raise the incomes of urban and rural residents; correctly handle the relations of reform, development, and stability, promote the sustained, rapid, healthy and comprehensive development of the national economy, Fifteen "plan a good start. At the same time, the economic growth target for next year will be set at 8%, slightly above the national average. Second, this year’s major macroeconomic regulation and control targets in the province are as follows: GDP growth of 8%; local fiscal revenue and economic growth simultaneously; total investment in fixed assets 50 billion yuan, an increase of 13.1%; consumer prices slightly higher than last year’s level Foreign trade exports reached 450 million U.S. dollars, up 12.5%. Third, the province’s economic work this year needs to grasp several aspects: 2001 is an important year for comprehensively pushing forward the strategy for the great development of the western region. The entire province should integrate various tasks into the track of developing the western region and take the overall development with its grand development. Inspire. To effectively speed up in
荧光量子点具有适于溶液法制备、光谱可调、发光效率高等突出特点,在照明显示领域极具应用前景.基于荧光量子点的电致发光器件 (QLED),具有光谱覆盖范围更宽、色纯度更高、能
【摘 要】风光摄影作为一门艺术、已不再是机械地记录自然景观,而是成为人和自然的一种独特的对话方式,艺术地展现了人对自然的特殊感受。它强调摄影的艺术性,有更多的唯美的内容,突出的是“意境”,是一种特殊形式的艺术创作。  【关键词】风光摄影;特点  一幅优秀的内涵丰富的风光摄影作品,是一幅画、一首诗,应该让人们从中听到音乐,看到诗情和画意。因为在中国传统审美观念中,诗画和音乐是密不可分的。随着人们生活
一、法治引领,破解社会发展难题rn鹤峰县紧扣 “争创全州法治环境最优”目标,深入贯彻落实中央、省委、州委关于法治建设系列决策部署,不断提升干部群众法治信仰,夯实法治创
“两为主”成新常态rn鹤峰县检察院 2014年10月被确定为湖北省司法体制改革首批试点院后,先后制定《司法体制改革试点实施方案》《首次确定计入员额检察官工作实施方案》《主
中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深。张謇是中国近代著名的实业家和教育家,其人格魅力的思想内涵极其丰富。在政治伦理上,他主张爱国爱人并行;在教育上,他主张教育强国、教学精通、亲力亲为;在道德人格上,他主张大公无私的道德观;在家庭伦理上,他主张勤俭和睦的家庭观。张謇丰富的思想理论及实践成为后人学习的楷模。  中国近代第一城——南通,因其而冠名。张謇出生于晚晴时期,在那个经济、政治极其落后的时代,张謇以其独
养殖业是农发行扶贫工作重点支持产业之一. 利川市五洲牧业有限公司是恩施州规模最大的生猪养殖企业. 农发行利川市支行2012年与五洲牧业建立信贷关系,为其提供的产业化龙头
【摘 要】对于档案信息编研活动,“研”是整个编册活动的中心,整个档案信息编研过程,实质上就是对档案信息研究的过程,档案信息编研成果就是对档案情息研究的成果。本文主要论述了档案信息编研的忠于档案原文以存真,对档案信息科学加工以求是的原则。  【关键词】档案;编研;原则  档案情息编研活动属于著作行为范畴决定了档案信息编研活动必须遵循科学性的原则。另一方面,档案情息编研成果为中国特色社会主义事业发展服