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用全岩心X射线层析术(CT)研制出一种新技术来定量确定次生孔隙度。其岩心取自一非均匀灰岩—白云岩层(该层产水),CT识别次生孔隙的非均匀性同岩心描述和测井结果非常一致。详细分析“A”井单次扫描的X射线CT资料表明:渗透率强烈受地层次生孔隙(孔洞)量的影响。“A”井是有水锥进现象的优质生产井,次生孔隙量同水平岩塞渗透率(作为深度的函数)相比有好的一致性。单次扫描结果可用CT双次扫描法测量“A”井8块岩塞的孔隙分布来证明。水平渗透率的相关性表明次生孔隙的三维分布是均匀的。 “B”井是一口早期注水的劣质生产井,为同“A”井的原始资料比较,选择某些区域进行扫描并分析次生孔隙量。“B”井显示的孔隙分布中次生孔隙平均较少,但垂直渗透率很高(大量介质的扫描结果表明),“B”井水平渗透率同CT资料相关性差表明了次生孔隙分布的非均匀性。用密度中子孔隙度与声波孔隙度之差同CT资料相关建立一种方法识别无取心层段孔隙分布的非均匀性。测井导出的次生孔隙度显示出与定量的全岩心CT贫料和岩心描述非常一致。过去力图使测井导出的次生孔隙度与岩心资料相关取决于薄层的测量。通过大量岩心分析可知,该方法提供了利用测井识别储层非均匀性的证据,这种信息通过显示大范围的高渗透层(射孔前)有助于减少产水。 A new technique was developed using full core X-ray tomography (CT) to quantify secondary porosity. The core was taken from an inhomogeneous limestone-dolomite formation (where water was produced) and the non-uniformity of the secondary pore identified by CT was in good agreement with the core description and well logging results. Detailed analysis of the “A” single well X-ray CT data shows that the permeability is strongly affected by the amount of secondary pores (pores) in the formation. The “A” well is a good producer of water coning, and the secondary porosity is in good agreement with horizontal rock plug permeability as a function of depth. The single-scan results can be confirmed by measuring the pore distribution of eight rock crashes in the “A” well using the CT double scanning method. The correlation of horizontal permeability shows that the three-dimensional distribution of secondary pores is uniform. The “B” well was an early poor water injection producer, selected for scanning and analysis of secondary porosity for comparison with the original “A” well data. The “B” well shows less average secondary porosity in the pore distribution, but higher vertical permeability (indicated by the large number of media scans) and the poor correlation between horizontal well permeability and CT data Inhomogeneity in pore distribution. Using the difference between density neutron porosity and acoustic porosity as a function of CT data, a method is developed to identify the heterogeneity of pore distribution in the non-coring section. The secondary porosity derived from the log shows very consistent with the quantitative total core CT depleted and core description. The past attempts to correlate the log porosity derived secondary porosity with core data depend on the measurements of the layers. From a large number of core analyzes, this method provides evidence of wellbore identification of reservoir inhomogeneities, which can help reduce water production by showing a wide range of high permeability layers (before perforation).
期一页 起,机械桥式起重机主梁的疲劳强度计算····“·······”…1一3水电站门式起重机门架结构有限元分析方法 ”.”二“”二““。.,.“.“二“.”‘”“二”二
研究论文油掴滑条件下Pb和Su及刊-511《软金属刷镀层的摩擦磨损特性之研究…… “””’”“’”’“’·’··’…’··’…··’…………·张贤华 刘家浚 朱宝亮 张绪寿
一、前言随着生产的发展和生活的提高,水的利用和处理就成了重要的课题,潜水电泵具有能有效地利用土地、安装简单、噪音小,以及起动不加引水等优点,在短时期 I. Introducti