
来源 :农业科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:annazky
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为了防止农作物苗期的病虫害,使用农药拌种是一项有效措施。目前,拌种用的农药一般属于有机汞类,如“赛力散”“西力生”等。这种农药毒性较强,拌种人员如不按操作规程操作,疏忽大意,很容易引起中毒。如果误食了拌过药的种子,后果就更加严重了。据调查,每年备耕期间,总有少数社队和个人,发生有机汞农药中毒事件。各地要大力宣传各种农 In order to prevent pests and diseases of crops at seedling stage, the use of pesticide dressing is an effective measure. At present, pesticides used for seed dressing are generally classified as organic mercury, such as “Sai Li San” and “Xi Lisheng”. This pesticide toxicity, seed dressing workers if not according to operating procedures, negligence, it is easy to cause poisoning. If you eat the seeds after eating the medicine, the consequences will be more serious. According to the survey, there are always a small number of communes and individuals involved in the preparation of organic mercury pesticide poisoning during the annual preparation period. Various localities should vigorously publicize various kinds of peasants
李冠潜蛾(Tischeria gaunacella Duponchel)属鳞翅目,冠潜蛾科。已知国内分布在北京、河北及山西晋中地区。幼虫在桃、杏、李叶片内潜食为害,潜痕由叶片中部向边缘逐渐变宽
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松针锈病由Coleosporium属的真菌引起。锈孢子期发育在松针上。夏孢子和冬孢子阶段在远志属Polygala(病原菌为C.Senecionis、款冬Tussilago farfara(病原菌为C.tussilaginal