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阿克苏地区农机研究所在探索农机科研机构改革的同时,一手抓住机遇积极创办农机推广、销售、咨询服务的经济实体,创造条件积累农机科研、推广资金;一手抓住推广应用适用农机技术,瞄准本区农机市场的急需,先后在1994—1995年协助本区重点农机修造企业研制开发生产了稻麦两用脱粒机、小型玉米点播机、棉花宽膜播种机和化肥深施机械.在抓好产品生产的同时,抓了使用、培训指导工作.三年来,使本区宽膜覆盖技术得到了迅速普及,棉花宽膜播种面积由1994年的100多亩,猛增到1996年101万亩,实现了本区宽膜植棉技术推广普及的大跨度迈进.随着棉花播种面积的不断扩大,农机研究所在注重常规农机作业工艺的同时,又积极主动地做好了棉花收获后棉秆回收机械的调研和引进推广示范 Aksu Regional Agricultural Machinery Research Institute in the exploration of agricultural machinery research institutions at the same time, seize the opportunity to actively establish the agricultural extension, sales, consulting services, economic entities, to create the conditions for accumulation of agricultural research, promotion of funds; one hand grasp the promotion of agricultural technology for use, targeting The urgent need of the agricultural machinery market in this area has helped the key agricultural machinery manufacturers in this area to research and develop the rice-wheat dual-purpose thresher, the small corn sowing machine, the cotton wide-film sowing machine and the fertilizer deep-planting machinery in 1994-1995. In the past three years, the broad-film coverage technology in this area has been rapidly popularized. The sown area of ​​wide-film cotton has soared from 100 mu in 1994 to 101 million mu in 1996, And realized the broad span of popularization and popularization of wide-field cotton planting technology in this area.With the continuous expansion of cotton sown area, the Agricultural Machinery Research Institute, while paying attention to the conventional agricultural operation technology, actively and actively recovered cotton stalks after cotton harvest Mechanical research and introduction of promotion and demonstration
假如,你朋友邀你看电影或共进晚餐,而你却有事不能赴约,这时就可用婉谢的口吻告诉他:“May I take a rain check(改天可以吗)?”或者,简单来句:“Rain check?”口语“Rainche
被哲学家标榜为能够思考的芦苇,开花时的确拥有一颗貌似智慧的披散大头,纤长的茎秆,骨节上短下长,风雨袭来,不免承受不住那颗大头,一副失重的样子,因而随风摇动,在所难免,诗人所谓“摧折不自守,秋风吹若何”“白花可为絮,长干须人扶”是也。这样的情景,酸楚的文艺腔描摹为风姿绰约的摇曳,冷面的直截则批为缺乏根柢,于是便有了那副著名的对子:“墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。”  依水而生的
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