
来源 :中小学音乐教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bosigai
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视唱水平的高低关系到对乐曲的理解和处理等。视唱时既要注意节奏又要唱准音高,两者不可缺一,其中合理地分配视唱时的注意力就显得很重要了。在视唱时可先将乐曲的节奏与音高作以了解,若节奏难就应该把注意力更多地分配到节奏上;若节奏容易音准难,就应该把注意力更多地分 The level of sight-seeing is related to understanding and processing of music. When watching the music, it is necessary to pay attention to the rhythm and to sing the pitch. Both are indispensable, and it is very important to properly allocate the attention of the audience. When you are singing, you can first understand the rhythm and pitch of the music. If the rhythm is difficult, you should focus more on the rhythm; if the rhythm is easy to pitch, you should give more attention to the rhythm.
本文报告了用“银祥”牌大黄鱼慢沉饲料和鲜活饲料进行为期 5 0d的大黄鱼(Pseudosciaenacrocea)养殖对比试验 结果表明 ,慢沉型颗粒饲料较适合大黄鱼的摄食习性和营养需求 ,
1.(NMET 2001春)Mr Bush is on time for everything.How__it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? A.can B.should C.may D.must2.(上海1994)Michael__be a pol
一、选择题1.不等式|x+1|>1的解集是().A.一切实数B.x>0C.x>0或x<-2D.x>0或x>-22.已知a<0,b>0,c<0,化简a|a|+ab|ab|+abc|abc|的结果).A.1B.-1C.-2D.23.当x=-12时,多项式x2+kx-1的值小于0,那).A.k> First, multiple choice questions 1. The solution set
介绍了轨道车整车试验台的方案论证、基本结构、试验原理与社会效益。 The program demonstration, basic structure, test principle and social benefit of the rail car
借助染色体计数和流式细胞计数计对 6 - DMAP处理和冷休克两种诱导方法获得太平洋牡蛎 (Crassostrea gigas)三倍体群体在各个发育时期三倍体率进行了系统检测。结果发现 ,在
文章介绍了研制和生产客车顶棚蒙皮用自动焊接装置的目的和意义。详细说明了该自动焊接装置的技术结构、参数、特点和稳定性;最后还介绍了焊接工艺的整个过程。 This articl