新年伊始,从湖北省襄樊市传来喜讯:该市通过在市中心医院、中心血站等5家医疗单位建立民兵应急医疗救护分队,实现了区域救护和联合救护一体化,并可通过高科技设备进行远程智能救护。据了解,新建的救护分队全部由博士、硕士等高学历人才领衔。这是该市创新民兵组织建设模式,实现向科技效能型转变的又一可喜成果。 在今年的民兵组织调整中,襄樊军分
At the beginning of the new year, good news came from Xiangfan City, Hubei Province. The municipality established the militia emergency medical ambulance unit through five medical units in downtown hospitals and blood bank centers to realize the integration of regional ambulance and joint ambulance, and through high-tech Equipment for remote intelligent rescue. It is understood that all the new ambulance detachment by the doctorate, master’s degree and other highly educated talent lead. This is yet another gratifying achievement of the city’s model of building an innovative militia and transforming itself into a science and technology performance type. In this year’s adjustment of the militia, Xiangfan military forces