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序1·诗人情怀秋天撕开一角的时候,我看到了“潞安五阳”的秋景。秋天翻到中段的时候,我拜访了这里的一位传奇诗人。西方的哲人口口声声说要“诗意地栖身于大地”。其实,只有那些脚踏实地勇立潮头的实业家才可以称得上是真正意义上的诗人。刘克功就是这样一个深层次地挖掘本土诗意的煤海诗人。他用如椽的诗笔谱写了煤炭企业领导施政的新形象。个性的崭露是刘克功作为诗人领导者在煤炭工业前沿展示公众形象的一大特点。在网络时代,过剩的信息、过量的文字已充斥于各种数码信号和印刷品中,写作已变得不再令人神往。于是,刘克功就用满腹才情饱蘸着苍苍茫茫的煤海写诗。走访刘克功前,我首先拜读了他的一首题为《矿工礼赞》的诗: Preface 1. Poetic feelings When I torn apart in autumn, I saw the autumn scenery of “Lu’an Wuyang”. When I turned to the middle of autumn, I visited a legendary poet here. Western philosophers keep saying that they want to “poetically stay in the earth.” In fact, only those industrialists who have the courage to stand on the ground can be regarded as real poets. Liu Ke-gong is such a coal-mining poet who deeply tapped local poetic sentiments. He used the poem such as rafter to write a new image of leadership in coal enterprises. Revealing personality is Liu Kegong as a poet leader in the forefront of the coal industry to display the public image of a major feature. In the Internet age, excess information and excessive amounts of text have filled in all kinds of digital signals and printed materials. Writing has become no longer fascinating. As a result, Liu Ke Gong will be full of talent full dip in the vast sea of ​​coal poetry. Before I interviewed Liu Ke-kong, I first read one of his poems titled "Miners’ Praise:
Significant advances in imaging technology have changed the management of pancreatic cancer. In computed tomography (CT), this has included development of multi