
来源 :肿瘤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeng_hc
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目的 调查支气管肺癌诊断中存在的不足状态并分析相关因素。方法 不加选择地对200 例住院肺癌患者进行回顾性调查,内容包括:发现方式,首发症状及出现时间、初诊时间、初诊医院及诊断、确诊时间及医院、误诊病种。结果 无症状肺癌组的早期发现率明显高于因症就诊组(P<0.05)。咳嗽、痰血、胸痛、发热为肺癌的四大首发症状。首发症状至初诊时间平均39 天,初诊至确诊时间平均73 天。首诊误诊率44.8 % 。首诊医院在一、二级基层医院54.5 % ,三级综合性医院30 % 。确诊医院中三级专科医院占89 % 。三级专科医院与各级综合性医院的确诊病例有显著差异(P<0.01)。诊断延误者68 例(34 % ),其中病人就诊延误32 % ,医生延误68 % 。结论 肺癌延误诊断的主要责任在医疗单位,应进一步提高各级医疗单位尤其是综合性医院对肺癌早诊断的警惕性,提高诊断水平和技术 Objective To investigate the deficiencies in the diagnosis of bronchial lung cancer and analyze related factors. Methods A retrospective survey of 200 hospitalized lung cancer patients was performed indiscriminately. The contents included: the method of discovery, the first symptoms and the time of onset, the time of the first visit, the time of the first visit to the hospital, diagnosis, time of diagnosis, and the hospital and misdiagnosis. Results The early detection rate of the asymptomatic lung cancer group was significantly higher than that of the symptomatic treatment group (P<0.05). Cough, blood stasis, chest pain, and fever are the four primary symptoms of lung cancer. The average time from initial symptoms to initial diagnosis is 39 days, and the average time from initial diagnosis to diagnosis is 73 days. The first diagnosis misdiagnosis rate was 44.8 %. The first diagnosis hospital was 54.5 % in primary and secondary primary hospitals, and 30% in tertiary comprehensive hospitals. Eighty-three specialist hospitals in confirmed hospitals accounted for 89%. There was a significant difference in the diagnosed cases between tertiary specialized hospitals and general hospitals at all levels (P<0.01). 68 cases (34%) were diagnosed with delays, including 32% delay in patient visits and doctors delaying 68%. Conclusion The primary responsibility for delayed diagnosis of lung cancer lies with the medical institution. We should further improve the vigilance of early diagnosis of lung cancer in medical institutions at all levels, especially general hospitals, and improve diagnostic levels and techniques.
创建互联网主页是目前我国企业利用网络和信息技术的一种主要形式。目前 ,众多商家和企业为什么争先恐后地创建互联网主页 ,各公司主页的作用和战略定位是什么 ,这是一个值得
患者 ,男 ,72岁 ,自 1989年 5月~ 1999年 10月间 ,先后患四脏器四重癌 :1. 1989年 5月 8日首发左下肺癌行左下肺叶切除。病理报告为左下肺叶鳞状上皮癌 级 ,术后进行化疗。 2
Chinese gold industry officials are opti-mistic about meeting their goals this yearbecause the country met 60 per cent of thetarget set by the State Planning C
目的 探讨原发性胆囊癌细胞增殖与细胞周期素E(cyclin E)表达的关系.方法 41例原发性胆囊癌、10例胆囊腺瘤和15例慢性胆囊炎石蜡包埋标本,用SP免疫组织化学方法测定cyclin E和增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的表达.结果 cyclin E在原发性胆囊癌、胆囊腺瘤和慢性胆囊炎中的阳性表达率分别为46.3%、10.0%和0,原发性胆囊癌cyclin E阳性率显著高于胆囊良性病变(P<0.01
畅畅一岁的时候就能自己趴床上看绘本啦!连续看一个小时不成问题,我都有点担心他看坏了眼睛,软磨硬泡才能把书给拿开。瞧他那认真劲儿,我暗自窃喜:这孩子到时候上学,估计不用我操太多心。  没成想,当他上了幼儿园,老师跟我说,畅畅上课注意力不集中,容易开小车。我才不信呢!火速扒拉出畅畅看书时我偷拍的照片给老师看,有图有真相!  老师笑了笑,跟我解释道:畅畅的视觉专注力确实不错,可是在听觉方面的专注力稍弱了