强化硬实力 提升软实力 全面建设现代化公安消防铁军

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国务委员、公安部部长孟建柱提出“努力建设一支现代化的公安消防铁军”的重要战略举措,赋予了消防部队建设新的时代内涵和新的发展要求。建设现代化的公安消防铁军,既有硬实力的内容,也有软实力的范畴,必须提升到强能力、谋打赢、促发展、树形象的战略高度来认识,要以人才为根本、装备为支撑、科技为主导、创新为动力、形象为保证,确保部队“防得住”、“冲得上”、“拿得下”、“救得了”、“形象好”。 State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu put forward the important strategic move of “striving to build a modernized public security fire brigade” and gave new connotation and new requirements for the building of the fire brigade. The construction of a modernized iron and steel unit for public security and fire fighting involves not only the content of hard power but also the category of soft power. It is necessary to enhance its understanding of the strategic capability of seeking win, promoting development and tree image. It is necessary to understand talent as a fundamental and equipment support , Science and technology as the leading, innovation as the driving force, the image as a guarantee, to ensure that the troops “defense ”, “rushed to ”, “get under ”, “ ”.
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2010年12月7日,陕西省档案编研出版工作会议在西安市举行。陕西省档案局局长、省档案编研出版工作指导委员会主任王建明在会上作了题为《加强谋划,开拓创 December 7, 2010,
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