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我一直是喜欢玲的,她是我的初恋,虽然我们交往的时间不长,但是因为一份默契与理解,让我对她有了特别的情感。可我们却分手了。见不到阳光灿烂的玲,我的思念只能在回忆中继续浪漫。我知道这很辛苦,却没有办法。就在我越来越低沉的时候,一个叫菲儿的女孩走近了我。她有着和玲一样的身材,身高也与玲相仿,但却没有玲那特有的灵气。菲儿是个随和大方的女孩,她不会说富有情调的话,但她每天都会来看我,帮我做卫生,给我做饭,陪我听音乐。慢慢地,我习惯了有她在身边。偶尔她没来,我便有一种空落落的感觉。和菲儿在一起,说不上浪漫,但我知道,对于我这样独自在都市飘荡的人来说,菲儿是生活伴侣的最好人选。我开始把她当成恋人。和玲在一起时,总是与玲保持适当的距离,不敢有亲热的举动,怕伤害她,因此,我除了与她牵牵手,再没有别的亲密接触。也许正因为如此,在我心里,玲是个很纯真的女孩 I always like Ling, she is my first love, although we have not long contact, but because of a tacit understanding and understanding, let me have a special emotion for her. But we broke up. I can not see the sunny Ling, my thoughts can only continue in the memory of romance. I know this is very hard, but there is no way. As I was getting lower and lower, a girl named Mayfair approached me. She has the same body shape and Ling, Ling also similar to the height, but there is no unique Ling Reiki. Mayfair is a generous girl, she will not say rich words, but she come to see me every day, help me to do the health, cook for me, accompany me to listen to music. Slowly, I used to have her by my side. Occasionally she did not come, I have an empty feeling. And Mayfair together, can not be romantic, but I know that for me alone floating in the city like this, Mayfair is the best life partner. I started to treat her as a lover. And Ling together, always maintain the appropriate distance with Ling, did not dare to have affectionate behavior, afraid of hurting her, therefore, in addition to holding hands with her, I have no other close contact. Perhaps because of this, in my heart, Ling is a very innocent girl
1 Robert_marchand_de_clousRoberttaitndanslequartierjuifd unevilledePologne ,qu onappelleghetto .Unquartiernoirettriste .D埁ssapetitee? 1 Robert_marchand_de_clousRoberttaitndanslequartierjuifd unevilledePologne, qu onappelleghetto .Unquartiernoirettriste .
优皮(YUPPIE),这个优雅时代的优雅词句冷不丁还真让人摸不到头脑。什么叫优皮,其实它只是YOUNG PROFESSIONAL的缩写形式,大致是指大都市中青春焕发的专业人才,特指继嬉皮士