Geotechnical methods of reinforcement of slopes near railroads

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasonlau999
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In order to generate well-based design decisions on reinforcement of landslide slopes and road embankment slopes, a system of combined geotechnical analysis of geological conditions is suggested which includes topographic and geophysical survey, and laboratory studies of soils using infra-red spectroscopy methods. Calculations of slopes’ deflected modes are carried out with taking into account elastic and elasto-plastic behavior of soil, and the presence of supporting man-made constructions. Results of the application of the system suggested may be used as criteria for the classification of landslide slopes along permanent ways according to the degree of danger when used for transportation. In order to generate well-based design decisions on reinforcement of landslide slopes and road embankment slopes, a system of combined geotechnical analysis of geological conditions is suggested which includes topographic and geophysical survey, and laboratory studies of soils using infra-red spectroscopy methods. Calculations of slopes’ deflected modes are carrying out with taking into account elastic and elasto-plastic behavior of soil, and the presence of supporting man-made constructions. Results of the application of the system suggested may be used as criteria for the classification of landslide slopes along permanent ways according to the degree of danger when used for transportation.
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