A Study of Metaphors in Su Shi’s Ci From the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

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  【Abstract】Song ci, as a precious cultural treasure of China and even the world, has attracted many scholars at home and abroad. This paper attempts to analyze the metaphors in Su Shi’s poems from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, categorize their definitions, and analyze the cultural and cognitive characteristics of these metaphors. The author believes that this kind of attempt is of great significance for the appreciation and translation of Chinese classical poetry.
  【key words】Cognitive perspective; metaphor; Su Shi’s Ci
  The rhetorical study of metaphor started from Aristotle, whose basic idea is that metaphor is a rhetorical phenomenon and a substitution between words. As a replacement, metaphor is an optional tool. It is only a tool to increase the power of language expression. The traditional study of metaphor only regards metaphor as a linguistic phenomenon which is limited to the study of rhetoric and literature. With the rise and development of cognitive linguistics in recent years, the nature of metaphor is no longer just a linguistic phenomenon, but an important cognitive model. Especially with the emergence of the conceptual metaphor theory proposed by lakoff and Johnson, metaphor is clearly regarded as an indispensable cognitive tool for human beings to organize their conceptual systems. As a means to understand another thing through one thing, metaphor is ubiquitous in human language and thinking. It is a systematic way of human thinking, behavior and expression.
  Among various linguistic phenomena, the author chose Chinese Song as the object of study, because poetry and metaphor have inextricably linked, it is the ocean of metaphor. C. Lewis once said: Metaphor is the life principle of poetry, the main text and glory of poets. The Song Ci is a brilliant diamond in the crown of ancient Chinese literature. Among the many lyrics, Su Shi’s words “Let’s not like the cut to the rhythm”, the subject matter is rich, the artistic concept is broad, and it has broken through the late Tang and Five Dynasties and since the early Song Dynasty. The traditional fence of the word “Yanke”, with poetry as the word, to create a bold and clear-cut school, has a huge impact on later generations.
  Over the years, many scholars and researchers have focused on three aspects of metaphor research in Su Shi’s poems: The modification of Su Shi’s words, such as anthropomorphism, simile, metaphor, association, etc.; The image of Su Shi’s words; Translation of Su Shi’s words. In short, the study of Su Shi’s words mainly focuses on the content of words, and few people analyze them from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.   The metaphors listed by Lakoff in “The Metaphors People Survive” are roughly divided into three categories: 1. Structural Metaphor: Constructing a concept with a conceptual structure, superimposing the two concepts, will talk about The various aspects of the concept are used to talk about another concept. 2. Orientation metaphor: A series of metaphorical concepts formed by reference to space. 3. Entity metaphor: In this kind of metaphorical concept, people regard abstract and vague intangible concepts such as thoughts, feelings, psychological activities, events, and states as concrete and tangible entities, so they can talk about them. Quantify, identify its characteristics and causes.
  In a word, Metaphor is not a simple replacement or transformation of words. It is a means of knowing the unknown, familiar with the unfamiliarity, simple metaphor, concrete metaphor, and common science, thus forming abstract thinking. Although the mapping of metaphor is universal, it is deeply influenced by culture. Metaphorical imagery is a major problem in the translation and dissemination of Chinese poetry. However, through the mapping between the source domain and the target domain, the author believes that the creation of “faithfulness” and “rebelliousness” is indispensable. The authors put forward higher requirements for the understanding of Chinese culture.
  [1]Evans, V.
【摘要】本文针对目前高中英语教学中,学生在写作中出现的种种问题,提出把思维导图有效应用于写作教学,提升学生的思维能力和学习能力,从而促进学生的英语学科素养的形成。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;写作  【作者简介】徐晓燕(1974.06-),女,甘肃兰州人,甘肃省兰州市第五十八中学,中学高级教师,大学本科,研究方向:高中英语教学。  一、引言  《普通高中英语课程标准》明确指出:培养学生的语言能
【摘要】在绘本阅读实际教学实践中,笔者发现学生学习兴趣浓厚,乐于参与阅读后活动,但是不少学生朗读不够流利,大多数学生在讨论分享活动中泛泛而谈,绘本表演表现力不够等。笔者尝试在绘本阅读教学中应用兼有朗读与戏剧表演特点的“读者剧场”,学生通过反复的练习,再现绘本故事,提高了其绘本朗读流利度,加深了对绘本的理解,进一步提升英语口语表达能力和团队合作能力。  【关键词】“读者剧场”;绘本阅读教学;应用和探
【摘要】英语教学融入思政内容,是素质教育发展需要,也是教学改革需要。积极利用思政元素优化英语教学模式,能全面凸显英语教学的育人功能,开拓新的教育格局,助力素质教育发展,构建大思政教育格局。深入了解英语教学中融入思政元素的必要性,能明确课程思政实施原则,为英语教学课程思政发展提出一系列参考意见,并以此促进英语教学发展和优化,为培养优秀社会主义接班人奠定基础。  【关键词】英语教学;课程思政;素质教育
小王是一名出租车司机。这天,他在车站候客时,上来一个老头,拿一手机,戴一耳麦,倒有些时髦。说去华越小区。  离开车站,本来是左拐进入东方大道,可小王为了绕行,却选择继续直行。突然,老头自言自语地说:“拐了,拐了。”小王一听“拐了”,还以为老头在看赵本山的小品呢,便问:“老师傅,在看小品啊?”  老头似乎没听见,依旧看着手机。小王见前方直行是红灯,左拐正好是绿灯,于是变更车道,把车子往左拐了过去。到
【摘要】写作是检验学生英语综合能力的重要途径,然而部分初中生面对英语写作时感到无从下手,产生了畏难情绪,继而出现写作能力不足的困扰。本文结合教学实例,探讨如何巧用“四步写作法”开展初中英语写作教学,帮助学生提高英语写作能力。  【关键词】初中英语;写作教学;四步写作法  【作者简介】黄蕾,兰州市第五十六中学。  一、初中生英语写作中常见的问题  笔者长期从事初中英语教学工作,发现初中生的英语写作,
【摘要】本文针对中职英语课后作业设计形式存在的机械性和单一性的问题,提出信息化、趣味性、分层化和专业性四大原则,设计口语视听、思维拓展、实践活动等作业,以便更好地提升学生的英语综合能力。  【关键词】课后作业;信息化;趣味性;分层化;专业性  【作者简介】林艳丽,温州护士学校。  作业完成情况是教师检测学生课堂知识掌握程度的有效途径,也是知识巩固的主要方法,是教师日常教学工作的重要环节。但现实中,
【摘要】随着信息技术的快速发展,我国高中英语写作教学模式发生了明显变化。批改软件被广泛应用于高中英语写作教学中,创新和改革了传统英語写作教学模式,有效地促进了英语写作教学质量的提升,也大大提高了高中生的英语写作水平。基于此,本文从批改软件的特点入手,阐述了批改软件在高中英语写作教学中的具体应用策略,希望能为高中英语写作教学提供一些有益的参考和借鉴。  【关键词】自动评改系统;高中英语;写作教学  
在回家的火车上,我遇到了一个在角落静静看书的青年,遂上前询问:“为何在如此吵闹的车厢,你还能安静地看书?你是怎么做到心如止水的?”只见他面带笑容,回了我一句:“小兄弟,来,把你的充电宝给我,我也让你心如止水。”  汪杰