
来源 :北京农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mena
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结合自身办刊实践,论述了农业科普期刊的优势和特点,围绕农业战略性结构调整推进成果转化;围绕发展现代农业推进农业科技成果的转化;围绕培育新农民推进成果转化;站在时代的高度将传播科学知识、推进科技进步和普及科技成果与新农村建设融为一体,为了农民的微笑、为了大地丰收,为了社会主义新农村的建设,农业科普期刊将一如既往担负起为新农村建设提供智力支持和科技服务的重任,以高度的政治责任感深入农村第一线,为建设社会主义新农村添砖加瓦。从期刊内容定位、特色、提供读后服务、培训农民和送科技下乡等方面阐述了期刊始终紧密围绕服务“三农”主题,在建设社会主义新农村中如何发挥了积极有效的作用,进行深入的探讨。 Combining with its own practice, this paper discusses the advantages and characteristics of agricultural popular science journals, advances the transformation of achievements around the strategic restructuring of agriculture, promotes the transformation of agricultural science and technology achievements around the development of modern agriculture, and promotes the transformation of achievements around cultivating new farmers. We will disseminate scientific knowledge, promote scientific and technological progress and popularize scientific and technological achievements with the building of a new countryside. For the sake of peasants’ smiling, for the harvest of the earth and for the construction of a new socialist countryside, agricultural science journals will, as always, take the initiative to provide intelligence for the new countryside construction Support and science and technology services, with a high sense of political responsibility in-depth rural areas first line, to build a new socialist countryside to add brick. From the aspects of orientation of journal contents, features, post-reading service, training of peasants and sending science and technology to the countryside, the author expounds that journals have always played an active and effective role in the construction of a new socialist countryside by closely surrounding the theme of serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers. In-depth discussion.
体育教学是素质教育中不可缺少的一部分。但学生上体育课的积极性不高成为体育教师很头疼的一个问题,分别从学生、体育教师和学校三方面浅析如何激发学生对体育课的兴趣。 P
高中化学作为课程建设中的基础学科,在高中生的学习中占有重要比例,主要从基础知识、培养学生兴趣等方面进行教学方式的改进,实现高效课堂改革。 As a basic subject in cur