加强组织人事工作 为兵团改革发展稳定提供强有力的保证

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1999年,兵团面临着十分繁重的改革、发展、稳定任务。兵团组织人事工作要以邓小平理论为指导.深入贯彻党的十五大精神和兵团党委四届六次全委(扩大)会议精神,按照中组部、国家人事部的总体要求,坚持“党要管党”、“从严治党”的方针,把握大局,突出重点,深化改革,加大工作力度,为兵团改革、发展、稳定大局提供更加有力的组织保证。(一)以“三讲”教育为重点,切实抓好领导班子思想政治建设在兵、师、团三级深入开展以“讲学习、讲政治、讲正气”为主要内容的党性党风教育,是兵团党委按照中央和自治区党委的要求,从新形势下保证兵团事业健康发展的大局出发做出的重要安排。兵团组织部门必须认真贯彻落实好中组部和兵团党委的部署,把“三讲”教育作为1999年的头等大事抓紧抓好。 In 1999, the Corps faced very arduous tasks of reform, development and stability. The CYL personnel work must be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress and the spirit of the Sixth Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the XPCC (enlarged) conference, and adhere to the general requirements of the Central Organization Department and the Ministry of Personnel, We must take the party’s principle of “solemn ruling party” into account, grasp the overall situation, give prominence to the importance, deepen the reform and intensify our efforts to provide stronger organizational guarantees for the overall reform, development and stability of the Corps. (1) Focusing on the education of “three stresses” and earnestly grasping the ideological and political construction of the leadership team Carrying out the Party spirit with “stressing on learning, stressing on politics and righteousness” as the main content at the levels of soldiers, teachers and regiments Party style education is an important arrangement made by the party committees under the leadership of the Central Military Commission and the regional party committees under the new situation to ensure the healthy development of the corps. Corps ’organizational departments must conscientiously implement the arrangements made by the Central Organization Department and the Corps’ party committees and pay close attention to the “three stresses” education as the top priority in 1999.
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