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党的十四大三中全会高举邓小平同志建设具有中国特色社会主义理论的伟大旗帜,科学而精辟地总结了我国改革开放中多年的社会实践,英明决策了社会主义市场经济若干问题,再次把社会主义企业推向了市场大海的纵深处。由此,信息在企业生存、发展中就显得尤为重要。没有敏捷的信息,没有真善美的信息资源,就无法为发展科学技术和经济效益获得时间,积攒财富,企业就难以在激烈竞争的市场上立稳脚跟。过去我们依附上级指令办事,全国一盘棋,或者天下唯我一家,我行我素。今天依靠市场进行资源配制,实行市场调剂,拼实力,拼资源,拼技术,拼技巧,拼情报,一切都在竞争比较,拼搏之中,市场代替了除国家法规调控以外的一切。因此企业的归属不再是分配 The Third Plenary Session of the 14th National Congress of the Party held high the great banner of Comrade Deng Xiaoping in building a theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It scientifically and brilliantly summarized the social practices of China during its years of reform and opening up. It wisely decided several problems in the socialist market economy and once again put the society in The enterprise has pushed the market deep into the market. Therefore, information is particularly important in the survival and development of the company. Without agile information and without information resources of truth, goodness, and beauty, it will not be able to obtain time for the development of science and technology and economic benefits. Accumulating wealth will make it difficult for companies to establish a firm foothold in the fiercely competitive market. In the past, we depended on the instructions of the superiors. We played in one game in the whole country, or the only one in the world. Today, relying on the market to allocate resources, implement market adjustments, fight strength, fight resources, fight technology, fight skills, and fight intelligence. Everything is competing and competing, and the market has replaced everything except state regulation. Therefore, the ownership of the company is no longer allocated
全心全意为人民服务是我们党的根本宗旨。把为人民服务作为社会主义道德的核心 ,是中国共产党人在伦理思想上的一大贡献。发展社会主义市场经济的新的历史条件 ,给为人民服务
病例选择:住院慢性肝炎患者144例,治疗组和对照组各72例,治疗组中慢迁肝68例,慢活肝4例, Case selection: 144 cases of hospitalized patients with chronic hepatitis, 7
我们采用放射免疫分析(RIA)对76例胃病患者进行血清胰岛素水平测定,现将结果报告如下. 材料和方法 一、对象:选择经胃镜检查诊断为胃溃疡、十二指肠球部溃疡及胃炎患者76例