
来源 :Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pbsiszx1234567
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动态服务组合是解决SOA和SOC的重要方案之一.针对动态服务组合的实现,把MAS技术应用到服务组合中.首先对MAS和web服务组合的本质进行分析,讨论了MAS和web服务组合的关系.其次,构建了基于MAS的web服务组合框架,命名为CSMWC,并用Jade实现了该框架.此框架初步实现了语法级别的动态服务组合,并为语义级别的动态服务组合打下基础.为说明构建框架的正确性,应用pi演算对构建的MAS体系结构进行形式化描述,同时对web服务组合中重要的性质如动态性、适应性进行了推理.最后给出了应用基于pi演算的验证工具Pi4SOA进行验证的过程. Dynamic service composition is one of the important solutions to solve SOA and SOC.Aiming at the realization of dynamic service composition, MAS technology is applied to service composition.First, the essence of MAS and web service composition is analyzed, and the combination of MAS and web service is discussed Relationship.Secondly, we construct a web services composition framework based on MAS named CSMWC and implement it with Jade.This framework initially implements the syntax-level dynamic service composition and paves the way for the semantic-level dynamic service composition.In order to illustrate Construct the framework of the correctness, the application of pi calculus to describe the formalized MAS architecture, at the same time, the important properties of the Web service composition such as the dynamic, adaptive reasoning.Finally, the application of the verification tool based on pi calculus Pi4SOA to verify the process.
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